atd-knack-services 0.0.3

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atdknackservices 0.0.3

Integration services for ATD's Knack applications.
ATD Knack Services is comprised of a Python library (/services) and scripts (/scripts) which automate the flow of data from ATD's Knack applications to downstream systems.
These utilities are designed to:

incrementally offload Knack application records and metadata as a JSON documents in a collection of S3 data stores
incrementally fetch records and publish them to external systems such as Socrata and ArcGIS Online
lay the groundwork for further integration with a data lake and/or a data warehouse
be deployed in Airflow or similar task management frameworks

S3 Data Store
Data is stored in an S3 bucket (s3://atd-knack-services), with one subdirectory per Knack application per environment. Each app subdirectory contains a subdirectory for each container, which holds invdividual records stored as JSON a file with its id serving as the filename. As such, each store follows the naming pattern s3://atd-knack-servies/<app-name>-<environment>/<container ID>.
Application metadata is also stored as a JSON file at the root of each S3 bucket.
. s3://atd-knack-services
|- data-tracker-prod
| |-- 2x22pl1f7a63815efqx33p90.json # app metadata
| |-- view_1
| |-- 5f31673f7a63820015ef4c85.json
| |-- 5b34fbc85295dx37f1402543.json
| |-- 5b34fbc85295de37y1402337.json
| |...

Scripts (/scripts)
Get the most recent successful DAG run is meant to be run as an initial Airflow task which fetches the most recent successful run of itself. The date can then be passed to subsequent tasks as a filter parameter to support incremental record processing.
$ python --dag atd_signals_socrata

CLI arguments

--dag (str, required): the DAG ID of DAG run to be fetched.

Load App Metadata to S3
Use to load an application's metadata to S3.
$ python \
--app-name data-tracker \
--env prod \

CLI arguments

--app-name (str, required): the name of the source Knack application
--env (str, required): The application environment. Must be prod or dev.

Load Knack Records to S3
Use to incrementally load data from a Knack container (an object or view) to an S3 bucket.
$ python \
--app-name data-tracker \
--container view_197 \
--env prod \
--date 1598387119 \

Publish Records to the Open Data Portal
Use to publish a Knack container to the Open Data Portal (aka, Socrata).
$ python \
--app-name data-tracker \
--container view_197 \
--env prod \
--date 1598387119 \

CLI arguments

--app-name (str, required): the name of the source Knack application
--container (str, required): the name of the object or view key of the source container
--env (str, required): The application environment. Must be prod or dev.
--date (int, required): a POSIX timestamp. only records which were modified at or after this date will be processed.

Services (/services)
The services package contains utilities for fetching and pushing data between Knack applications and AWS S3.
It is designed as a free-standing Python package can be installed with pip:
$ pip install atd-knack-services

and imported as services:
import services

Multi-threaded uploading of file-like objects to S3.
Multi-threaded downloading of file objects from S3.
How To

Create bucket(s)
Add Knack app credentials to auth configuration file
Add container configuration file to /services/config
Create DAGs

An end-to-end ETL process will involve creating at least three Airflow tasks:

Load app metadata to S3
Load Knack records to S3
Publish Knack records to destination system


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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