
Creator: coderz1093

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AudioTags #
Read and write audio metadata in Flutter. Supports multiple formats.
Usage #
Read #
Tag? tag = await;

String? title = tag?.title;
String? trackArtist = tag?.trackArtist;
String? album = tag?.album;
String? albumArtist = tag?.albumArtist;
String? genre = tag?.genre;
int? year = tag?.year;
int? trackNumber = tag?.trackNumber;
int? trackTotal = tag?.trackTotal;
int? discNumber = tag?.discNumber;
int? discTotal = tag?.discTotal;
int? duration = tag?.duration;
List<Picture>? pictures = tag?.pictures;
copied to clipboard
Write #
Tag tag = Tag(
title: "Title",
trackArtist: "Track Artist",
album: "Album",
albumArtist: "Album Artist",
genre: "Genre",
year: 2000,
trackNumber: 1,
trackTotal: 2,
discNumber: 1,
discTotal: 3,
pictures: [
bytes: Uint8List.fromList([0, 0, 0, 0]),
mimeType: null,
pictureType: PictureType.other

AudioTags.write(path, tag);
copied to clipboard
Supported Formats #
This plugin uses a Rust crate called lofty to write and read metadata.
The supported formats are listed here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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