
Creator: coderz1093

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avatar brick

Avatar Brick #
Avatar Brick is a custom avatar can automatically display your abbreviation name when no avatar
is available.

Let's get started #
Import the package in your project:
import 'package:avatar_brick/avatar_brick.dart';
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1. Avatar with an image #

To pass an image to an AvatarBrick, you can either pass an image to the image variable or use
specific image formats (AvatarBrick.network, AvatarBrick.asset, AvatarBrick.file
, AvatarBrick.memory). Try the following simple example:
Widget simpleAvatarBrick() =>
src: "https://images.healthshots.com/healthshots/en/uploads/2020/12/08182549/positive-person.jpg",
copied to clipboard
Note: If you pass an image to the image variable, it should be have a fit variable
of BoxFit.cover, a height variable of double.maxFinite and a weight variable
of double.maxFinite.
Widget simpleAvatarBrick() =>
image: Image.network(
fit: BoxFit.cover,
height: double.maxFinite,
width: double.maxFinite,
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2. Avatar with a "name" #

If you want to create an avatar can automatically display your abbreviation name. DON'T pass
image variable or pass null value. Then pass your name in the name variable like following
Widget nameAvatarBrick() =>
image: null,
name: "Jennie Garth",
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3. Default Avatar or Loading Avatar #

If you want to create a default avatar. DON'T pass any variable or pass an Icon to the icon
variable. Try the following example:
Widget nullAvatarBrick() => AvatarBrick();

Widget defaultAvatarBrick() =>
backgroundColor: Colors.black26,
icon: Icon(
size: 48,
color: Colors.white,
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If you want to create a loading avatar. Pass the true value to the isLoading variable like the
following example:
Widget simpleAvatarBrick() => AvatarBrick(isLoading: true);
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Customization #
You can customize the size of the avatar by passing the variable size. Try the following example:
Widget resizeAvatarBrick() =>
size: const Size(16, 16),
src: "https://www.waldenu.edu/media/5504/seo-2332-bs-glad-dark-skinned-woman-with-a-393146831-1200x675",
copied to clipboard

You can customize the color of the background, border, abbreviation name. Try the following example:
Widget colorAvatarBrick() =>
name: "Jennie Garth",
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
nameTextColor: Colors.teal,
border: Border.all(width: 4, color: Colors.teal),
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You can customize the radius, border, shadow,... of the image. Try the following example:
Widget otherAvatarBrick() =>
radius: 24,
boxShadows: const [
color: Colors.black54,
blurRadius: 8,
offset: Offset(2, 4))
border: Border.all(width: 2, color: Colors.orange),
src: "https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1166423321/photo/portrait-business-woman-asian-on-blue-background.webp?b=1&s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=k4ByeqnhyGUnT4wJm4baVX2mlT46iRSr65i2FwcldAk=",
copied to clipboard

Thank you for using my package! #
See more of my packages here
Contact me: congson99vn@gmail.com
| linkedin | github


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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