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awscdk.awscodebuild 1.204.0

AWS CodeBuild Construct Library

AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles
source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to
deploy. With CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, and scale your own
build servers. CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds
concurrently, so your builds are not left waiting in a queue. You can get
started quickly by using prepackaged build environments, or you can create
custom build environments that use your own build tools. With CodeBuild, you are
charged by the minute for the compute resources you use.
Install the module:
$ npm i @aws-cdk/aws-codebuild

Import it into your code:
import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild

The codebuild.Project construct represents a build project resource. See the
reference documentation for a comprehensive list of initialization properties,
methods and attributes.
Build projects are usually associated with a source, which is specified via
the source property which accepts a class that extends the Source
abstract base class.
The default is to have no source associated with the build project;
the buildSpec option is required in that case.
Here's a CodeBuild project with no source which simply prints Hello, CodeBuild!:
codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",
"version": "0.2",
"phases": {
"build": {
"commands": ["echo \"Hello, CodeBuild!\""

Use an AWS CodeCommit repository as the source of this build:
import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit

repository = codecommit.Repository(self, "MyRepo", repository_name="foo")
codebuild.Project(self, "MyFirstCodeCommitProject",

Create a CodeBuild project with an S3 bucket as the source:
bucket = s3.Bucket(self, "MyBucket")

codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",

The CodeBuild role will be granted to read just the given path from the given bucket.
GitHubSource and GitHubEnterpriseSource
These source types can be used to build code from a GitHub repository.
git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(
webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise
webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false
codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is("master").and_commit_message_is("the commit message")

To provide GitHub credentials, please either go to AWS CodeBuild Console to connect
or call ImportSourceCredentials to persist your personal access token.
aws codebuild import-source-credentials --server-type GITHUB --auth-type PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN --token <token_value>

This source type can be used to build code from a BitBucket repository.
bb_source = codebuild.Source.bit_bucket(

For all Git sources
For all Git sources, you can fetch submodules while cloing git repo.
git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(

CodeBuild Projects can produce Artifacts and upload them to S3. For example:
# bucket: s3.Bucket

project = codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",
"version": "0.2"

If you'd prefer your buildspec to be rendered as YAML in the template,
use the fromObjectToYaml() method instead of fromObject().
Because we've not set the name property, this example will set the
overrideArtifactName parameter, and produce an artifact named as defined in
the Buildspec file, uploaded to an S3 bucket (bucket). The path will be
another/path and the artifact will be a zipfile.
To add a CodeBuild Project as an Action to CodePipeline,
use the PipelineProject class instead of Project.
It's a simple class that doesn't allow you to specify sources,
secondarySources, artifacts or secondaryArtifacts,
as these are handled by setting input and output CodePipeline Artifact instances on the Action,
instead of setting them on the Project.
project = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, "Project")

For more details, see the readme of the @aws-cdk/@aws-codepipeline-actions package.
You can save time when your project builds by using a cache. A cache can store reusable pieces of your build environment and use them across multiple builds. Your build project can use one of two types of caching: Amazon S3 or local. In general, S3 caching is a good option for small and intermediate build artifacts that are more expensive to build than to download. Local caching is a good option for large intermediate build artifacts because the cache is immediately available on the build host.
S3 Caching
With S3 caching, the cache is stored in an S3 bucket which is available
regardless from what CodeBuild instance gets selected to run your CodeBuild job
on. When using S3 caching, you must also add in a cache section to your
buildspec which indicates the files to be cached:
# my_caching_bucket: s3.Bucket

codebuild.Project(self, "Project",


# BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can
# also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.
"version": "0.2",
"phases": {
"build": {
"commands": ["..."]
"cache": {
"paths": ["/root/cachedir/**/*"

Note that two different CodeBuild Projects using the same S3 bucket will not
share their cache: each Project will get a unique file in the S3 bucket to store
the cache in.
Local Caching
With local caching, the cache is stored on the codebuild instance itself. This
is simple, cheap and fast, but CodeBuild cannot guarantee a reuse of instance
and hence cannot guarantee cache hits. For example, when a build starts and
caches files locally, if two subsequent builds start at the same time afterwards
only one of those builds would get the cache. Three different cache modes are
supported, which can be turned on individually.

LocalCacheMode.SOURCE caches Git metadata for primary and secondary sources.
LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER caches existing Docker layers.
LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM caches directories you specify in the buildspec file.

codebuild.Project(self, "Project",

# Enable Docker AND custom caching
cache=codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),

# BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can
# also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.
"version": "0.2",
"phases": {
"build": {
"commands": ["..."]
"cache": {
"paths": ["/root/cachedir/**/*"

By default, projects use a small instance with an Ubuntu 18.04 image. You
can use the environment property to customize the build environment:

buildImage defines the Docker image used. See Images below for
details on how to define build images.
certificate defines the location of a PEM encoded certificate to import.
computeType defines the instance type used for the build.
privileged can be set to true to allow privileged access.
environmentVariables can be set at this level (and also at the project

The CodeBuild library supports both Linux and Windows images via the
LinuxBuildImage (or LinuxArmBuildImage), and WindowsBuildImage classes, respectively.
You can specify one of the predefined Windows/Linux images by using one
of the constants such as WindowsBuildImage.WIN_SERVER_CORE_2019_BASE,
WindowsBuildImage.WINDOWS_BASE_2_0, LinuxBuildImage.STANDARD_2_0, or
Alternatively, you can specify a custom image using one of the static methods on

LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(image[, { secretsManagerCredentials }]) to reference an image in any public or private Docker registry.
LinuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag]) to reference an image available in an
ECR repository.
LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(parent, id, props) to use an image created from a
local asset.
LinuxBuildImage.fromCodeBuildImageId(id) to reference a pre-defined, CodeBuild-provided Docker image.

or one of the corresponding methods on WindowsBuildImage:

WindowsBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(image[, { secretsManagerCredentials }, imageType])
WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag, imageType])
WindowsBuildImage.fromAsset(parent, id, props, [, imageType])

or one of the corresponding methods on LinuxArmBuildImage:

LinuxArmBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag])

Note that the WindowsBuildImage version of the static methods accepts an optional parameter of type WindowsImageType,
which can be either WindowsImageType.STANDARD, the default, or WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019:
# ecr_repository: ecr.Repository

codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
build_image=codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, "v1.0", codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),
# optional certificate to include in the build image
bucket=s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, "Bucket", "my-bucket"),

The following example shows how to define an image from a Docker asset:
build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_asset(self, "MyImage",
directory=path.join(__dirname, "demo-image")

The following example shows how to define an image from an ECR repository:
build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, "v1.0")

The following example shows how to define an image from a private docker registry:

GPU images
The class LinuxGpuBuildImage contains constants for working with
AWS Deep Learning Container images:
codebuild.Project(self, "Project",

One complication is that the repositories for the DLC images are in
different accounts in different AWS regions.
In most cases, the CDK will handle providing the correct account for you;
in rare cases (for example, deploying to new regions)
where our information might be out of date,
you can always specify the account
(along with the repository name and tag)
explicitly using the awsDeepLearningContainersImage method:
codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
build_image=codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.aws_deep_learning_containers_image("tensorflow-inference", "2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04", "123456789012")

Alternatively, you can reference an image available in an ECR repository using the LinuxGpuBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(repo[, tag]) method.
CodeBuild lets you specify an S3 Bucket, CloudWatch Log Group or both to receive logs from your projects.
By default, logs will go to cloudwatch.
CloudWatch Logs Example
codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
log_group=logs.LogGroup(self, "MyLogGroup")

S3 Logs Example
codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
bucket=s3.Bucket(self, "LogBucket")

CodeBuild allows you to store credentials used when communicating with various sources,
like GitHub:
codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(self, "CodeBuildGitHubCreds",

and BitBucket:
codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(self, "CodeBuildBitBucketCreds",
username=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-bitbucket-creds", json_field="username"),
password=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-bitbucket-creds", json_field="password")

Note: the credentials are global to a given account in a given region -
they are not defined per CodeBuild project.
CodeBuild only allows storing a single credential of a given type
(GitHub, GitHub Enterprise or BitBucket)
in a given account in a given region -
any attempt to save more than one will result in an error.
You can use the list-source-credentials AWS CLI operation
to inspect what credentials are stored in your account.
Test reports
You can specify a test report in your buildspec:
project = codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
# ...
"reports": {
"my_report": {
"files": "**/*",
"base-directory": "build/test-results"

This will create a new test report group,
with the name <ProjectName>-myReport.
The project's role in the CDK will always be granted permissions to create and use report groups
with names starting with the project's name;
if you'd rather not have those permissions added,
you can opt out of it when creating the project:
# source: codebuild.Source

project = codebuild.Project(self, "Project",

Alternatively, you can specify an ARN of an existing resource group,
instead of a simple name, in your buildspec:
# source: codebuild.Source

# create a new ReportGroup
report_group = codebuild.ReportGroup(self, "ReportGroup")

project = codebuild.Project(self, "Project",
# ...
"reports": {
"report_group.report_group_arn": {
"files": "**/*",
"base-directory": "build/test-results"

If you do that, you need to grant the project's role permissions to write reports to that report group:
# project: codebuild.Project
# report_group: codebuild.ReportGroup


For more information on the test reports feature,
see the AWS CodeBuild documentation.
CodeBuild projects can be used either as a source for events or be triggered
by events via an event rule.
Using Project as an event target
The @aws-cdk/aws-events-targets.CodeBuildProject allows using an AWS CodeBuild
project as a AWS CloudWatch event rule target:
# start build when a commit is pushed
import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit
import aws_cdk.aws_events_targets as targets

# code_commit_repository: codecommit.Repository
# project: codebuild.Project


Using Project as an event source
To define Amazon CloudWatch event rules for build projects, use one of the onXxx
import aws_cdk.aws_events_targets as targets
# fn: lambda.Function
# project: codebuild.Project

rule = project.on_state_change("BuildStateChange",

CodeStar Notifications
To define CodeStar Notification rules for Projects, use one of the notifyOnXxx() methods.
They are very similar to onXxx() methods for CloudWatch events:
import aws_cdk.aws_chatbot as chatbot

# project: codebuild.Project

target = chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration(self, "MySlackChannel",

rule = project.notify_on_build_succeeded("NotifyOnBuildSucceeded", target)

Secondary sources and artifacts
CodeBuild Projects can get their sources from multiple places, and produce
multiple outputs. For example:
import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit
# repo: codecommit.Repository
# bucket: s3.Bucket

project = codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",

Note that the identifier property is required for both secondary sources and
The contents of the secondary source is available to the build under the
directory specified by the CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_<identifier> environment variable
(so, CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2 in the above case).
The secondary artifacts have their own section in the buildspec, under the
regular artifacts one. Each secondary artifact has its own section, beginning
with their identifier.
So, a buildspec for the above Project could look something like this:
project = codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",
# secondary sources and artifacts as above...
"version": "0.2",
"phases": {
"build": {
"commands": ["cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2", "touch output2.txt"
"artifacts": {
"secondary-artifacts": {
"artifact2": {
"base-directory": "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2",
"files": ["output2.txt"

Definition of VPC configuration in CodeBuild Project
Typically, resources in an VPC are not accessible by AWS CodeBuild. To enable
access, you must provide additional VPC-specific configuration information as
part of your CodeBuild project configuration. This includes the VPC ID, the
VPC subnet IDs, and the VPC security group IDs. VPC-enabled builds are then
able to access resources inside your VPC.
For further Information see
Use Cases
VPC connectivity from AWS CodeBuild builds makes it possible to:

Run integration tests from your build against data in an Amazon RDS database that's isolated on a private subnet.
Query data in an Amazon ElastiCache cluster directly from tests.
Interact with internal web services hosted on Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, or services that use internal Elastic Load Balancing.
Retrieve dependencies from self-hosted, internal artifact repositories, such as PyPI for Python, Maven for Java, and npm for Node.js.
Access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket configured to allow access through an Amazon VPC endpoint only.
Query external web services that require fixed IP addresses through the Elastic IP address of the NAT gateway or NAT instance associated with your subnet(s).

Your builds can access any resource that's hosted in your VPC.
Enable Amazon VPC Access in your CodeBuild Projects
Pass the VPC when defining your Project, then make sure to
give the CodeBuild's security group the right permissions
to access the resources that it needs by using the
connections object.
For example:
# load_balancer: elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer

vpc = ec2.Vpc(self, "MyVPC")
project = codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",

project.connections.allow_to(load_balancer, ec2.Port.tcp(443))

Project File System Location EFS
Add support for CodeBuild to build on AWS EFS file system mounts using
the new ProjectFileSystemLocation.
The fileSystemLocations property which accepts a list ProjectFileSystemLocation
as represented by the interface IFileSystemLocations.
The only supported file system type is EFS.
For example:
codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",
"version": "0.2"

Here's a CodeBuild project with a simple example that creates a project mounted on AWS EFS:
Minimal Example
Batch builds
To enable batch builds you should call enableBatchBuilds() on the project instance.
It returns an object containing the batch service role that was created,
or undefined if batch builds could not be enabled, for example if the project was imported.
# source: codebuild.Source

project = codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject", source=source)

if project.enable_batch_builds():
print("Batch builds were enabled")

There are two types of timeouts that can be set when creating your Project.
The timeout property can be used to set an upper limit on how long your Project is able to run without being marked as completed.
The default is 60 minutes.
An example of overriding the default follows.
codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",

The queuedTimeout property can be used to set an upper limit on how your Project remains queued to run.
There is no default value for this property.
As an example, to allow your Project to queue for up to thirty (30) minutes before the build fails,
use the following code.
codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",

Limiting concurrency
By default if a new build is triggered it will be run even if there is a previous build already in progress.
It is possible to limit the maximum concurrent builds to value between 1 and the account specific maximum limit.
By default there is no explicit limit.
codebuild.Project(self, "MyProject",


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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