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awstools 0.3.10
===================================== AWSTOOLS - high level tools for AWS=====================================AWSTOOLS is a Python package that provide modules and commands to manage aninfrastructure on `Amazon Web Services <>`_.Awstools is driven by a set of conventions and choices to makes systemoperations simple to the most. Awstools is mainly focused on managing multipleisolated social/web/mobile architectures.Main conventions and choices:- Using one of the Amazon Web Service is better than a custom solution- Operation system: Ubuntu LTS or newer- Configuration system: `Puppet <>`_At the moment awstools supports:- `CloudFormation <>`_ - **ApplicationSettings** (awstools.applications) Describe your application by declaring a set of *Pool* per *Environment* - **cfn**: List, Create, Update, Delete, Inspect Manage your AWS resources based on ApplicationSettings and cloudformation templates- `EC2 <>`_ - **ec2ssh**: Connect to one or multiple instances in a handy way - **awstools.fabric.populate_roledefs**: Populate Fabric roles with EC2 instances using the tags. fab -R App-Role cmd_run_on_all_app-role-*_instancesInstallation============Python requirements: - argh - boto - PyYamlConfiguration=============:: You must have a valid boto credentials provider to use the awstools. See the `Boto tutorial <>`_.- A **configuration file** is searched in this order: 1. <specified by --config> 2. ./awstools.cfg 3. ~/.awstools.cfg 4. /etc/awstools.cfg- An application settings file is searched in this order: 1. specified by --settings 2. specified by awstools configuration fileTesting=======Run the test with nose:: pip install -r requirements-test.txt nosetestsExamples========Command ec2ssh--------------:: ec2sshMyInstanceByTagNameWelcometoUbuntu12.04LTS(GNU/Linux3.2.0−23−virtualx8664)ubuntu@tb−java−stage: ec2sshMyInstanceByTagNameuptime19:14:03up182days,4:49,0users,loadaverage:0.08,0.06,0.05 ec2ssh App-Role-* uptime ----- Command: uptime ----- Instances(2): App-Role-development,App-Role-production Confirm? (Y/n) ----- i-a0b24444: 19:21:32 up 52 days, 3:51, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 ----- i-ce786666: 19:21:32 up 182 days, 4:56, 0 users, load average: 0.08, 0.04, 0.05 ----- DONE ec2sshi−a0b24444uptime19:24:28up52days,3:54,0users,loadaverage:0.00,0.01,0.05 ec2ssh uptime 19:25:18 up 52 days, 3:55, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 $ ec2ssh App1-*,App2-*,App3-Role-test uptimeConfiguration-------------:: [cfn] settings = ~/cloudformation/applications.yaml templatedir = ~/cloudformationApplications Settings---------------------:: Application: gmail ShortName: gm KeyName: google-secretkey live: True environments: production: storage: template: storage.js AvailabilityZones: us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c WebServerCapacity: 6 InstanceType: m1.xlarge frontweb: template: frontweb.js AvailabilityZones: us-east-1a,us-east-1b WebServerCapacity: 4 InstanceType: m1.medium stage: storage: template: storage.js AvailabilityZones: us-east-1a,us-east-1b WebServerCapacity: 2 InstanceType: m1.small frontweb: template: frontweb.js AvailabilityZones: us-east-1a,us-east-1b WebServerCapacity: 2 InstanceType: m1.small test: frontweb: template: frontweb.js AvailabilityZones: us-east-1a,us-east-1b WebServerCapacity: 2The application *gmail* has a production, a staging and a test environment.An environment is defined by two pools: *storage* and *frontweb*.However in test you mock the storage and don't need a *storage* pool.All those settings will be available for the CloudFormation templates.Contribute==========Want to contribute, report a but of request a feature ? The development goes onat Ludia's BitBucket account:- **Report bugs**: **Fork the code**: **Download**:* `Pior Bastida <[email protected]>`_ is the originator and main author.Changelog for Awstools======================0.3.10 (2015-04-30)-------------------- Nothing changed yet.0.3.9 (2015-04-30)------------------- Nothing changed yet.0.3.8 (2015-04-23)------------------- Nothing changed yet.0.3.7 (2013-12-17)------------------- Fix wrong priority order when reading multiple configuration files0.3.6 (2013-10-11)------------------- update author email- cfnas: add subcommand metrics to control the ASG metrics collection0.3.5 (2013-10-10)------------------- ec2ssh: add instance private hostname matching- Move autoscale subcommands to a new cfnas command- ec2ssh: add bash completion helpers- Pylint0.3.4 (2013-07-04)------------------- cfn batch-update: continue after a failure if user wants to0.3.3 (2013-07-04)------------------- Add --force option to `cfn update` command- Add a `cfn batch-update` command0.3.2 (2013-06-11)------------------- Complete hgignore- ec2ssh: enhance fallback when denying connection to multiple instances- Fix wrong current_capacity displayed in autoscale update utility0.3.1 (2013-03-13)------------------- fix *cfn setcapacity* setting 0 instead of the desired value0.3 (2013-03-11)----------------- start using zest.releaser for versioning0.2.3 (2013-02-01)------------------- display template description in cfn subcommands- create subcommand "cfn activities"
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