
Creator: coderz1093

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b encode decode

A Dart library for implementing the encoding and decoding of the Bencode format.
All codes come from bencode.js, include example and test codes , I just transfer them to Dart code.
Install #
In your flutter or dart project add the dependency:
b_encode_decode: ^1.0.3
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Usage #
A simple usage example:
Encode #
Input parameter can be a String, Number, List, or Map. It will return a encoding bytes list ( Uint8List ).
import 'package:b_encode_decode/b_encode_decode.dart' as Bencode;

main() {
Bencode.encode("string") // => "6:string"
Bencode.encode(123) // => "i123e"
Bencode.encode(["str", 123]) // => "l3:stri123ee"
Bencode.encode({ "key": "value" }) // => "d3:key5:valuee"
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Decode #
Input should be bytes list or String.
import 'package:b_encode_decode/b_encode_decode.dart' as Bencode;

main() {
var map = Bencode.decode(Uint8List.fromList('d3:key5:valuee'.codeUnits); // => { key: "value" } , the string value is bytes array

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Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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