backupdirs3 0.3.10

Creator: bradpython12

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backupdirs3 0.3.10

A tool to monitor a directory for changes, create a backup in the form of a zip file, and upload it to an AWS S3 bucket.

AWS credentials: Configure AWS credentials to enable S3 uploads.

How to run
pip install backupdirs3

backupdirs3 -h

usage: backupdirs3 [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-m MONITORED_DIR] [-s S3_BUCKET] [-n NODE_NAME] [-b BACKUP_NAME]

This tool monitors a directory for changes, create a backup in the form of a zip file, and upload it to an AWS S3 bucket.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
yaml config file, mutually exclusive with other command line options
default: /etc/backupdirs3/config.yaml
dir to monitor for changes
default: /etc/backupdirs3
-s S3_BUCKET, --s3-bucket S3_BUCKET
aws s3 bucket to upload backup zip files
default: backupdirs3-bucket
-n NODE_NAME, --node-name NODE_NAME
node name to use as prefix for backup file
default: thinkpad-e16gen1
-b BACKUP_NAME, --backup-name BACKUP_NAME
app name to use as suffix for backup file
default: backup
-l LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR, --local-backup-dir LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR
local dir to store backup zip files before upload
default: /tmp
-k, --keep-local-backups
do not delete backup zip files after upload to s3
default: False
seconds to wait after the last file update event before starting upload, valid range: [1..60]
default: 10
files to include into backup. Can specify multiple times. If not specified, ALL files are included.
default: []
files to exclude from backup. Can specify multiple times. If not specified, NO files are excluded.
default: []
-1, --one-time-run perform backup and exit without further monitoring.
default: False

By default, the tool looks for its configuration file at /etc/backupdirs3/config.yaml.
The settings specified in the default config file are used as defaults and can be overridden by command-line options.

When custom config file is specified via -c --config-file

no other command-line parameters are allowed
only settings from the specified config file are used
default config is ignored

backupdirs3 -c ./config.yaml

Example Configuration File Explained
# Config file for the backup directory monitoring tool

# The directory to monitor for changes
# Must be an existing directory and cannot be the root directory ('/')
# User must have read permissions to all files within this dir
monitored_dir: "/etc/backupdirs3"

# AWS S3 bucket where the backup files will be uploaded
# This bucket must already exist, and the script should have the necessary permissions to upload to it
s3_bucket: "backupdirs3-s3-bucket"

# The name of the node (usually the machine's hostname) used in naming the backup files
# Optional. If specified must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, dots, and hyphens
node_name: "your-node-name"

# A custom name to be appended to the backup file
# Optional. If specified must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens
backup_name: "backup"

# Directory to store the local backup zip files before uploading to S3
# Must be an existing directory; defaults to system temporary directory
local_backup_dir: "/tmp"

# Delay in seconds after the last detected change before the backup process starts
# This is used to debounce rapid file changes and ensure the backup process isn't triggered too often
# Valid values are between 1 and 60 seconds
delay_before_upload: 10

# Whether to keep the local backup zip files after they are uploaded to S3
# Set to true if you want to retain the backups locally; false to delete them after upload
keep_local_backups: false

# List of file patterns to include in the backup.
# Patterns can be specified using Unix-style wildcards (e.g., "*.txt" to include all text files).
# If not specified, all files in the monitored directory are included by default.
- "*.n3c"

# List of file patterns to exclude from the backup.
# Use Unix-style wildcards (e.g., "*.log" to exclude all log files).
# If not specified, no files are excluded by default.
- "*.bak"
- "*.bkp"

# Do not monitor changes, perform one-time backup and exit immediately.
# It makes more sense to specify this flag as a command line parameter rather than in config file.
# Defaults to false.
one_time_run: false

Future improvements

include/exclude filters for files inside dir [DONE]
encrypt zip archive before upload?
one-time backup without monitor loop [DONE]
backup to local dir only without s3 upload?


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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