backwork-backup-files 0.3.1

Creator: bradpython12

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backworkbackupfiles 0.3.1

Add support for file backups on backwork.
This plug-in is build on top of tar.
You can use pip to install this plug-in:
$ pip install backwork-backup-files

After installing the plug-in you will be able to use the backup files and restore files commands
on backwork:
backwork backup files
$ backwork backup files -h
usage: backwork backup files [-h] -f FILE

Back up one or more files. It uses `tar -cz` which gzips the output. You can
use any of the arguments supported by `tar`. Add a list of files and
directories you want backed up as the last thing in the line. Use `tar --help`
for more information.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o FILE, --output FILE output gzipped file path

You can pass any option that you would normally use with tar:
$ backwork backup files -o foo.tgz --verbose /tmp /var/log

As shown in the --help message, there is one required arguments you
must use in your backup process.
-o FILE or --output FILE will save the output of tar into a
backwork restore files
usage: backwork restore files [-h] input

Restore one or more files from a .tar.gz file. It uses `tar xvzf`. You can
use any of the arguments supported by `tar`. Use `tar --help` for more

positional arguments:
input .tar.gz file to restore from

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Important: There is a conflict with the -h argument since it is reserved
for the help/usage message. Use --dereference to follow symlinks.
Building and Publishing
Travis will publish builds for you. To build, push a tag to the repo:
git tag -a v0.1.2 -m 'v0.1.2'
git push --tags


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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