
Creator: coderz1093

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base codecs

A set of codecs for encode and decode data.
Features #

base16 (hex)

Base16 #
Supported hex alphabet and custom alphabets.
Hex #

Codec - Base16Codec
codec variable - base16 (and alias hex)
Functions - base16Encode (hexEncode), base16Decode (hexDecode)

Custom #

Codec - Base16CodecCustom
Description - You can pass custom alphabet to Codec for encode and decode data by this alphabet.

Base32 #
Supported Rfc, RfcHex, Crockford, ZBase, GeoHash, WordSafe, Custom alphabets
Rfc #

Codec - Base32CodecRfc
codec variable - base32Rfc
Functions - base32RfcEncode, base32RfcDecode

RfcHex #

Codec - Base32CodecRfcHex
codec variable - base32RfcHex
Functions - base32RfcHexEncode, base32RfcHexDecode

Crockford #

Codec - Base32CodecCrockford
codec variable - base32Crockford
Functions - base32CrockfordEncode, base32CrockfordDecode

ZBase #

Codec - Base32CodecZBase
codec variable - base32ZBase
Functions - base32ZBaseEncode, base32ZBaseDecode

GeoHash #

Codec - Base32CodecGeoHash
codec variable - base32GeoHash
Functions - base32GeoHashEncode, base32GeoHashDecode

WordSafe #

Codec - Base32CodecWordSafe
codec variable - base32WordSafe
Functions - base32WordSafeEncode, base32WordSafeDecode

Custom #

Codec - Base32CodecCustom
Description - You can pass custom alphabet and padding to Codec for encode and decode data by this alphabet.

Base58 #
Supported Bitcoin, Flickr, Ripple, Custom alphabets
Bitcoin #

Codec - Base58CodecBitcoin
codec variable - base58Bitcoin
Functions - base58BitcoinEncode, base58BitcoinDecode

Flickr #

Codec - Base58CodecFlickr
codec variable - base58Flickr
Functions - base58FlickrEncode, base58FlickrDecode

Ripple #

Codec - Base58CodecRipple
codec variable - base58Ripple
Functions - base58RippleEncode, base58RippleDecode

Custom #

Codec - Base58CodecCustom
Description - You can pass custom alphabet and decodeList to Codec for encode and decode data by this alphabet.

Base58Check #

Functions - base58CheckEncode, base58CheckDecode

Base85 #
Supported Ascii85, ZeroMq, IPv6
Ascii85 #

Codec - Base85CodecAscii
codec variable - base85Ascii
Functions - base85AsciiEncode, base85AsciiDecode

ZeroMq #

Codec - Base85CodecZ
codec variable - base85Z
Functions - base85ZEncode, base85ZDecode

IPv6 #

Codec - Base85CodecIPv6
codec variable - base85IPv6
Functions - base85IPv6Encode, base85IPv6Decode


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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