bats-tda 0.2.0

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batstda 0.2.0

Python bindings for the Basic Applied Topology Subprograms (BATS) library.
This includes:

Simplicial, Cubical, and Cell Complexes
Simplicial, Cubical, and Cellular Maps
Homology and induced maps
Persistent homology
Zigzag homology
A variety of topolgical constructions

Note that the C++ repository is the main library, and contains more features. This repository provides bindings for a subset of the functionality of BATS, and is under active development.
Documentation, examples, and tutorials can be found at
Once installed, you can import the bats namespace:
import bats

Installation with pip
The easiest way to install bats is using pip
pip install bats-tda # gcc

To use clang (e.g. on a Mac) try
CC=clang pip install bats-tda # clang

Because bats uses OpenMP, it has to be compiled from source with a C++17 compliant complier. This means installation can take a few minutes. You can pass --verbose to pip to see what is going on with installation.
If you don't have OpenMP, you can install with a package manager.
GCC (e.g. on Linux)
dnf install libgomp-devel # Fedora

apt-get install libgomp1-dev # Ubuntu

Clang (e.g. on Mac)
brew install libomp


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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