benparse 1.0.2

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benparse 1.0.2

benparse is a bencode parser for Python 3. It is capable of reading and creating bencoded files such as torrents

Syntax is similar to built-in modules such as json and pickle
Has an optional strict mode that will raise an error when it encounters non-fatal errors such as out-of-order dict keys or integers with leading zeros. This ensures that "round-tripping" bencoded data (loading bencoded data and then dumping it back to bencode) will never caused unexpected changes
Able to change the character encoding used to encode/decode strings
Fully typed

Complete usage documentation and examples are available here
# Load a bencoded file
with open('linux_distro.torrent', 'rb') as file:
torrent_dict = benparse.load(file)

# Make changes
torrent_dict[b'announce'] = b''

# Save a Python object as a bencoded file
with open('linux_distro.torrent', 'wb') as file:
benparse.dump(torrent_dict, file)


Python 3.6+
Typing Extensions (only for Python versions less than 3.8)

Install from PyPI:
pip3 install benparse

Install from source:
git clone
pip3 install ./benparse

Tests are run using the built-in unittest module, and is used to measure code coverage
Run tests without measuring coverage:
python3 -m unittest discover tests

Run tests and measure coverage:
coverage run -m unittest discover tests

View the results:
coverage report

Generate a detailed report, outputted to ./htmlcov:
coverage html

Building documentation
Sphinx is used to build documentation
Build requirements:


How to build:
cd docs
make html


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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