BetterLoader 0.2.2

Creator: bradpython12

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BetterLoader 0.2.2

Making it harder to do easy things, but easier to do harder things with the Pytorch Dataloader

About •
Installation •
Usage •
Development •

About BetterLoader
BetterLoader is a hyper-customizable extension of the default PyTorch dataloader class, that allows for custom transformations pre-load and image subset definitions. Use the power of custom index files to maintain only a single copy of a dataset with a fixed, flat file structure, and allow BetterLoader to do all the heavy lifting.
pip install betterloader

BetterLoader allows you to dynamically assign images to labels, load subsets of images conditionally, perform custom pretransforms before loading an image, and much more.
Basic Usage
A few points worth noting are that:

BetterLoader does not expect a nested folder structure. In its current iteration, files are expected to all be present in the root directory.
Every instance of BetterLoader requires an index file to function. Sample index files may be found here.

from betterloader import BetterLoader

index_json = './examples/sample_index.json'
basepath = "./examples/sample_dataset/"
batch_size = 2

loader = BetterLoader(basepath=basepath, index_json_path=index_json)
dataloaders, sizes = loader.fetch_segmented_dataloaders(batch_size=batch_size, transform=None)

print("Dataloader sizes: {}".format(str(sizes)))

For more information and more detailed examples, please check out the BetterLoader docs!
We use Makefile to make our lives a little easier :)
Install Dependancies
make install

Run Sample
make sample

Run Unit Tests
make test

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
Documentation & Usage

Usage docs
Example implementation


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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