Bidirectional Listview | Product


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bidirectional listview

Flutter Bidirectional ListView #

ListView with items that can be scrolled and lazy loaded in up and down direction with a fixed item count and scroll boundaries.
With this library the following is possible:

ListView can be scrolled in up (negative indices) and down (positive indices) direction
Lazy loading is possible for up and down direction
Scroll boundaries for top and bottom
ItemCount for negative and positive indices can/must be set


Min- and MaxExtents for scrolling must be set manually

Quick Usage #
Replace your existing ListView with BidirectionalListView. Builder pattern must be used because of its infinite nature.
A complete tutorial how to use BidirectionalListView can be found here: Tutorial
Please refer to the example for usage: Quick-Link
Bugs/Requests #
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is
missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it.
Pull Request are also welcome.


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