BioLectorPy 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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BioLectorPy 0.2.0

This package is used to plot results from cultivations in a BioLector. This is an ongoing development where functionality is expanded as needed. The input files are the xlsx-spreadsheets that can be exported from the BioLection software and a simple csv-file (see example) that describes the content of each well in the wellplate.
Current features include:

Support of both BioLector and BioLector Pro
Combine data from multiple experiments
Plotting of any parameter (pH, DO, biomass) for:

Individual wells
Each strain / species across medium conditions
Multiple species across one or more medium conditions

Well-plate plots summarizing results, e.g. in terms of max-growth rate, fold-increase etc.
Estimation of growth rates based on Generalized additive models

pip install BioLectorPy
Feel free to contribute by rasing issues or PRs, or reach out to me directly at
This package is developed by me, Snorre Sulheim, at SINTEF Industry, Department of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine, Norway. If you use this package in your work please cite this repository.
All files available in this repository is subject to the license given in the license file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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