blitz-ca 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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blitzca 0.1.1

A tool for managing the signing and generation of CSRs as well as the creation of certificate Authorities


Its not the openssl command
Sane flags
Its not the openssl command
internal API to leverage in your own apps
Its not the openssl command
Single File Certificate store based off sqlite makes backups easy
Human readable times that become more accurate as the appointed time gets closer
eg ‘3 days from now’ to ‘3 hours from now’ to ‘03:14’
Ability to add comments to certificates, keys and requests
Generate CRLs’
Webserver to provision new certificates to bearers of a valid (but soon to
expire) certificate allowing automatic update of certificates via a cronjob

To create a virtual environment use the following commands

pyvenv-3.4 –system-site-packages venv
. bin/venv/activate
pip install blitz-ca

to activate the environment in another terminal repeat the activate step as shown below

. bin/venv/activate

as this is an argparse based program, comprehensive help is available by specifying ‘-h’ or ‘–help’
to receive help on a sub command, use ‘-h’ as above after the sub command itself
At this time there is no other documentation avalible but those who have
created certificates and CSRs with the openssl command should be fammilar
enough with the terminolgy and process to use the program.

Creating a self signed certificate

blitz-ca cert new

Creating a certificate with a Subject Alternative Name

blitz-ca cert new

To specify values such as the Email address, locality or country to embed in the cert you can use the
form ‘shortname=value’ or ‘longname=value’ and add it on the end. These values are case sensitive and
in the case of the long hand versions are camelCase

blitz-ca cert new “locality=The Moon”

Alternatively, to be prompted for the values of most of the commonly used or expected fields add the
‘-p’ flag

blitz-ca cert new -p

The alternate Subject alt names are also supported allowing you to issue a mail signing certificate for
multiple email addresses

blitz-ca cert new

What Works

Key Generation
Cert Generation
Request Generation
Request Signing
Arbitrary x509 extensions
Subject alternative names
Key usage
RSA and DSA keys of arbitrary bit length

What does not Work

Tracking of issued certs
CRL Generation
Auto Enrolment webserver
Confirmation before signing a request
Elliptic Curve keys


If you do not specify a key then one will be created for you automaticly as
part of the CSR or certificate generation. if you are having trouble matching a
CSR up to a private key at generation time, consider using the ‘-C’ flag to add
a comment to both the private key and CSR

Signing a request will copy extensions from the request into the certificate
however there is currently no way to audit the request before signing and approve
Certificates are backdated by 1 hour to help prevent issues with clients/servers
with clock drift (if you have 1 hour of clock drift you ahve bigger issues but
daylight savigns may cause issues)

Release History

0.1.1 (2014-11-05)

Re-release to fix upload

0.1 (2014-11-05)

Initial Release
Key generation
Cert generation
Request generation
Request signing


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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