bq-validator 0.7.2

Creator: bradpython12

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bqvalidator 0.7.2

This is a yet another python-based BigQuery query validator.
The bq query --dry_run command enables us to validate queries.
However, the bq command doesn't support service account impersonation, even though it supports workload identity federation credentials at Google Cloud SDK 390.0.0.
The bq-validator command would be useful, when we take advantage of service account impersonation to validate BigQuery queries.
The package is available on pypi
pip install -U bq-validator

How to use
$ bq-validator --help
Usage: bq-validator [OPTIONS] PATH

Validate BigQuery queries

PATH is either of a SQL file path or a directory. When it is a directory,
the command recursively validates all SQL files in the directory.

--quota_project TEXT BigQuery client project ID
--client_project TEXT BigQuery client project ID
--client_location TEXT BigQuery client location
--impersonate_service_account TEXT
Impersonate service account email
--num_parallels INTEGER Number of parallel query validations
--verbose Enable verbose output
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.


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