
Creator: coderz1093

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bs flutter selectbox

Bs Flutter Select Box #
Web HTML select option with serverside


Select option with server side data
Searchable select option
Multiple select option
Select label

This plugin is the best alternative for select2 library
Getting Started #
Add the dependency in pubspec.yaml:
bs_flutter: any
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Select Box #
Example: main.dart
To create a select box you need to import:
import 'package:bs_flutter_selectbox/bs_flutter_selectbox.dart';
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After create controller:
// ...
BsSelectBoxController _select1 = BsSelectBoxController(
options: [
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 1, text: Text('1')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 2, text: Text('2')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 3, text: Text('3')),
// ...
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After all is done copy the code below:
// ...
hintText: 'Pilih salah satu',
selectBoxController: _select1,
// ...
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If you need to customize size and style, use properties style and size. And create your custom size with class BsSelectBoxSize or BsSelectBoxStyle to custom style
static const BsSelectBoxSize customSize = BsSelectBoxSize(
fontSize: 14.0,
optionFontSize: 14.0,
searchInputFontSize: 14.0,
labelX: 15.0,
labelY: 13.0,
transitionLabelX: -15.0,
transitionLabelY: 5.0,
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 15.0, right: 15.0, top: 12.0, bottom: 12.0)
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static const BsSelectBoxStyle outline = BsSelectBoxStyle(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0))
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Note #

labelX and labelY is used to set label position if using hintTextLabel
transitionLabelX and transitionLabelY is used to set label position if using hintTextLabel when have selected value
BsSelectBoxStyle have properties borderRadius, color, placeholderColor, selectedBackgroundColor, selectedColor, disabledBackgroundColor, backgroundColor, borderColor, fontSize, arrowIcon

Select Box Style 2 (hintTextLabel) #
Select box using hintTextLabel
// ...
hintTextLabel: 'Pilih salah satu',
selectBoxController: _select1,
// ...
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Select Box Multiple #
To create a select box with multiple allowed set multiple properties in BsSelectBoxController to true:
// ...
BsSelectBoxController _select2 = BsSelectBoxController(
multiple: true,
options: [
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 1, text: Text('1')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 2, text: Text('2')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 3, text: Text('3')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 4, text: Text('4')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 5, text: Text('5')),
BsSelectBoxOption(value: 6, text: Text('6')),
// ...
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Note #

To get selected value use getSelected or getSelectedAll
If you need returned string use getSelectedAsString, it will be returned string value with , separator
To set selected value use setSelected or setSelectedAll

Select Box Server Side #
To create a select box with server side data, use serverSide property
hintText: 'Pilih salah satu',
searchable: true,
selectBoxController: _select3,
serverSide: selectApi,
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Note #

To enable searchable option, set searchable property true
serverSide property need returned Future<BsSelectBoxResponse>

selectApi function
// ...
Future<BsSelectBoxResponse> selectApi(Map<String, String> params) async {
Uri url = Uri.http('localhost', 'api-json.php', params);
Response response = await http.get(url);
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
List json = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
return BsSelectBoxResponse.createFromJson(json);

return BsSelectBoxResponse(options: []);
// ...
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Json response data
"text":"Tipe 01",
"text":"Type 02",
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Note #

createFromJson is automatically put response data value, but you cant change it with define manual
If you want to make typecd as value of option, use value parameters of createFromJson

/// ...
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
List json = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
return BsSelectBoxResponse.createFromJson(json,
value: (data) => data['typecd'],
/// ...
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If you want to make typecd as text of option, use renderText parameters of createFromJson
renderText function need returned Widget

/// ...
if(response.statusCode == 200) {
List json = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
return BsSelectBoxResponse.createFromJson(json,
value: (data) => data['typecd'],
renderText: (data) => Text(data['typecd'])
/// ...
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