btmgmt 1.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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btmgmt 1.1.0

btmgmt: a Python Wrapper for the BlueZ management API
see for details on how to use the API:
tested on:

Raspberry Pi 3B+
Raspberry Pi 4

Built with Python 3.7, Python 2 is untested. The package can be built with bdist-wheels, but is served as a source distribution, meaning the C wrapper is compiled locally when running pip install. This is slightly slower, but makes the library more portable.

libbluetooth-dev : the headers and source code for this extension are entirely contained
within this repo, but the python module is dynamically linked against on the Linux machine.
libreadline-dev : the shared library is usually installed by default, but
C header files are required to build this module from source.

Install Process:
$ sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev libreadline-dev

$ sudo pip3 install btmgmt

# most of the BTMGMT commands require root privileges, so the library should be
# installed to the root python environment.

# Demonstrative only: see example scripts for more information

import btmgmt

btmgmt.command("command", "parameter1", "parameter2")

# Variable number of arguments allowed depending on the command (see below).

If you do not want to run as root, simply set the capabilities of the process (in this case, Python) to have CAP_NET_ADMIN.
sudo setcap cap_net_admin+eip $(readlink -f $(which python3))

You can verify that this is OK by running the above command with verify flag:
sudo setcap -v cap_net_admin+eip $(readlink -f $(which python3))

Available Commands:

select <index>                                    Select a different index
version                                           Get the MGMT Version
commands                                          List supported commands
config                                            Show configuration info
info                                              Show controller info
extinfo                                           Show extended controller info
auto-power                                        Power all available features
power <on/off>                                    Toggle powered state
discov <yes/no/limited> [timeout]                 Toggle discoverable state
connectable <on/off>                              Toggle connectable state
fast-conn <on/off>                                Toggle fast connectable state
bondable <on/off>                                 Toggle bondable state
linksec <on/off>                                  Toggle link level security
ssp <on/off>                                      Toggle SSP mode
sc <on/off/only>                                  Toogle SC support
hs <on/off>                                       Toggle HS support
le <on/off>                                       Toggle LE support
advertising <on/off>                              Toggle LE advertising
bredr <on/off>                                    Toggle BR/EDR support
privacy <on/off>                                  Toggle privacy support
class <major> <minor>                             Set device major/minor class
disconnect [-t type] <remote address>             Disconnect device
con                                               List connections
find [-l|-b] [-L]                                 Discover nearby devices
find-service [-u UUID] [-r RSSI_Threshold] [-l|-b] Discover nearby service
stop-find [-l|-b]                                 Stop discovery
name <name> [shortname]                           Set local name
pair [-c cap] [-t type] <remote address>          Pair with a remote device
cancelpair [-t type] <remote address>             Cancel pairing
unpair [-t type] <remote address>                 Unpair device
keys                                              Load Link Keys
ltks                                              Load Long Term Keys
irks [--local <index>] [--file <file path>]       Load Identity Resolving Keys
block [-t type] <remote address>                  Block Device
unblock [-t type] <remote address>                Unblock Device
add-uuid <UUID> <service class hint>              Add UUID
rm-uuid <UUID>                                    Remove UUID
clr-uuids                                         Clear UUIDs
local-oob                                         Local OOB data
remote-oob [-t <addr_type>] [-r <rand192>] [-h <hash192>] [-R <rand256>] [-H <hash256>] <addr> Remote OOB data
did <source>:<vendor>:<product>:<version>         Set Device ID
static-addr <address>                             Set static address
public-addr <address>                             Set public address
ext-config <on/off>                               External configuration
debug-keys <on/off>                               Toogle debug keys
conn-info [-t type] <remote address>              Get connection information
io-cap <cap>                                      Set IO Capability
scan-params <interval> <window>                   Set Scan Parameters
get-clock [address]                               Get Clock Information
add-device [-a action] [-t type] <address>        Add Device
del-device [-t type] <address>                    Remove Device
clr-devices                                       Clear Devices
bredr-oob                                         Local OOB data (BR/EDR)
le-oob                                            Local OOB data (LE)
advinfo                                           Show advertising features
advsize [options] <instance_id>                   Show advertising size info
add-adv [options] <instance_id>                   Add advertising instance
rm-adv <instance_id>                              Remove advertising instance
clr-adv                                           Clear advertising instances
appearance <appearance>                           Set appearance
version                                           Display version
quit                                              Quit program
exit                                              Quit program
help                                              Display help about this program
export                                            Print evironment variables


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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