
Creator: coderz1093

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build modules

Module builders for modular compilation pipelines.

This package provides generic module builders which can be used to create custom
compilation pipelines. It is used by the build_web_compilers package
which provides standard builders for the web platform.
Usage #
There should be no need to import this package directly unless you are
developing a custom compiler pipeline. See documentation in
build_web_compilers and for more details on building your Dart code.
Module creation #
The overall process for emitting modules follows these steps:

Emit a .module.library asset for every .dart library containing a
description of the directives (imports, exports, and parts), a list of the
dart: imports used, and a determination of whether the library is an
"entrypoint". Entrypoint libraries are either those which are likely to be
directly imported (they are under lib/ but not lib/src/) or which have a
main. Only the libraries that can be imported (they aren't part files) will
have an output. This step is mainly separated out for better invalidation
behavior since the output will change less frequently than the code. The
outputs from this step are non differentiated by platform.
Emit package level .meta_module assets. This is an aggregation of the
.module.library information with a first run at creating a module
structure. The output depends on the algorithm, described below. The outputs
from this step are specific to a platform and will indicate which libraries
contain unsupported dart: imports for a platform. Conditional imports will
also be resolved to a concrete dependency based on the platform. In this step
the dependencies of modules references the imported library, which may not
match the primary source of the module containing that library.
Emit package level .meta_module.clean assets. This step performs an extra
run of the strongly connected components algorithm so that any libraries
which are in an import cycle are grouped into a single module. This is done
as a separate step so that it can be sure it may read all the .meta_module
results across packages in a dependency cycle so that it may resolve import
cycles across packages. As modules are merged due to import cycles the new
module becomes the union of their sources and dependencies. Dependencies are
resolved to the "primary source" of the module containing the imported
Emit .module assets which contain a filtered view of the package level
meta-module specific to a single module. These are emitted for the "primary
source" of each module, as well as each library which is an entrypoint.

Module algorithms #
Fine #
The fine-grained module algorithm is straightforward - any dart library which
can be it's own module, is it's own module. Libraries are only grouped into
a module when there is an import cycle between them.
The .meta_module step filters unsupported libraries and does no clustering.
Import cycles are resolved by the .meta_module.clean step.
Coarse #
The coarse-grained module algorithm attempts to cluster libraries into larger
modules without bringing in more code than may be imported by downstream code.
It assumes that libraries under lib/src/ won't be imported directly outside of
the package. Assuming that external packages only import the libraries outside
of lib/src/ then no code outside of the transitive imports will be brought in
due to module clustering.
The .meta_module step performs strongly connected components and libraries
which are in an import cycle are grouped into modules since they can't be
ordered otherwise. Within each top level directory under the package (lib/,
test/, etc) the libraries are further bundled into modules where possible.
Each "entrypoint" library is always kept in it's own modules (other than in the
case of import cycles). Non entrypoint libraries are grouped where possible
based on the entrypoints that transitively import them. Any non-entrypoint which
is only transitively imported by a single entrypoint is merged into the module
for that entrypoint. Any non-entrypoints which are imported by the same set of
entrypoints are merged into their own module. The "primary source" for any
module is always the lowest alpha-sorted source, regardless of whether it is an
entrypoint. As libraries are merged the module becomes the union of their
sources and dependencies.


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