buildaspider 0.9.3

Creator: bradpython12

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buildaspider 0.9.3

A simple, configurable web crawler written in Python.
Designed to be a jumping off point for:

understanding and implementing your own crawler
parsing markup with bs4
working with requests

While its aims are more educational than industrial, it may still be suitable for crawling sites of moderate size (<1000 unique pages).
Written such that it can either be used as-is for small sites, or extended for any number of crawling applications.
buildaspider is intended as a platform to learn to build tools for your own quality assurance purposes.

Option 1:
pip install buildaspider
Option 2:
git clone
cd buildaspider/
python3 install

Example Config File
A config file is required. In addition to the sample given below, you can find an example file in examples/cgf.ini.

; login = true
; In order to programatically login, uncomment the line above and ensure login = true
; You will also need to ensure that:
; + the username line is uncommented and set correctly
; + the password line is uncommented and set correctly
; + the login_url line is uncommented and set correctly

; username = <USERNAME>
; password = <PASSWORD>
; login_url =

; Absolute path to directory containing per-run logs
; log_dir = /path/to/logs

; Literal URLs to visit -- there must be at least one!
seed_urls =

; List of regex patterns to include
include_patterns =

; List of regex patterns to exclude
exclude_patterns =

max_num_retries = 5

Basic Usage
Once the config file is created and ready to go, it is time to create a Spider instance.
from buildaspider import Spider

myspider = Spider(
# These are the default settings

This will start the web crawling process, beginning with the URLs specified in seed_urls in the config file.

By default, each run generates four logs:

status log
broken links log
checked links log
exception links log

The implementation lives in the setup_logging method of the Spider base class:
def setup_logging(self):
now =

filename=os.path.join(self.cfg.log_dir, f"spider_{now}.log"),
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",

self.status_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

self.broken_links_logpath = os.path.join(
self.cfg.log_dir, f"broken_links_{now}.log"
self.checked_links_logpath = os.path.join(
self.cfg.log_dir, f"checked_links_{now}.log"
self.exception_links_logpath = os.path.join(
self.cfg.log_dir, f"exception_links_{now}.log"
There are three rudimentary methods provided that write to each of the above logs:


For example:
def log_checked_link(self, link):
append_line_to_log(self.checked_links_logpath, f'{link}')
This can be overridden to extend logging capabilities.
These methods can also can be overriden to trigger custom behavior when:

a link is checked
a broken link is found
a link that threw an exception is found

Beyond Basic Usage

Adding the Ability to Login
You can extend the functionality of buildaspider by inheriting from the Spider class and overriding methods.
This is how you implement the ability for your spider to programmatically login.
Here’s the documentation from the base Spider class:
def login(self):
# If your session doesn't require logging in, you can leave this method unimplemented.
# Otherwise, this method needs to return an instance of `requests.Session`.
# A new session can be obtained by calling `mint_new_session()`.
raise NotImplementedError("You'll need to implement the login method.")
Here’s an example of a fleshed-out login method to POST credentials (as obtained from the config file) to the login_url. (For more details on logging in with requests see:
from buildaspider import Spider, mint_new_session, FailedLoginError

class MySpider(Spider):
def login(self):
new_session = mint_new_session()

login_payload = {
'username': self.cfg.username,
'password': self.cfg.password,

response =, data=login_payload)

if response.status_code != 200:
raise FailedLoginError("Login Failed :(")

return response

myspider = MySpider('/path/to/cfg.ini')


Providing Custom Functionality by Attaching to Event Hooks
There are a few events that occur during the crawling process that you may want to attach some additional functionality to.
There are pre-visit and post-visit methods you can override/extend.


link visit is about to begin

link visit is about to end

a link has been marked as checked

a link has been marked as broken

a link has been marked as causing an exception

crawling is complete

Spider.pre_visit_hook() provides the ability to run code when .visit() is called. Code specified in .pre_visit_hook() will execute prior to library-provided functionality in .visit().
Spider.post_visit_hook() provides the ability to run code right before .visit() finishes.
The overridden methods .pre_visit_hook() and .post_visit_hook() ought to pass in link in order to keep the current link in scope and available as a variable with that name.
You may choose to store visited links in some custom container:
custom_visited_links = list()

def pre_visit_hook(self, link):
# The `link` being referenced here
# is the link about to be visited
NOTE: this provides direct access to the current Link object in scope.
A safe strategy is to make a copy of the current Link using deepcopy.
from copy import deepcopy

custom_visited_links = list()

def pre_visit_hook(self, link):
current_link_copy = deepcopy(link)

Extending/Overriding Pre-Defined Events
By default, broken links are logged to the location specified by self.broken_links_logpath.
We can see this in the Spider class:
def log_broken_link(self, link):
append_line_to_log(self.broken_links_logpath, f'{link} :: {link.http_code}')
What if you want to extend (not merely override) the functionality of .log_broken_link()?
def log_broken_link(self, link):
# You've now retained the original functionality
# by running the method as defined on the parent instance

# Perhaps now you want to:
# + cache this value?
# + run some action(s) as a result of this event firing?
# + ???

Running the Test Suite
NOTE: You will need to ensure that the log_dir config file field is set correctly before you run the test suite.
cd tests/

Additional Resources
Official Retry Documentation
Advanced usage of Python requests - timeouts, retries, hooks
Python stdlib Logging: basicConfig
BFS / FIFO Queue
Python: A quick introduction to the concurrent.futures module
Using Python Requests on a Page Behind a Login
The Offical collections.deque Documentation


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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