
Creator: coderz1093

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ccl services

ccl_services #
A Flutter package to reduce boilerplate code in your daily development by providing streamlined
services for common tasks.
Features #

Secure Storage: Easily store and retrieve data securely using the SecureStorageService.
Locale Management: Streamline locale handling and updates with the LocalizationService.
Reduced Boilerplate: Eliminate repetitive code and focus on building your app's core
Integration with Stacked: Seamlessly integrates with the Stacked architecture for dependency
injection and state management.

Getting started #
Add ccl_services to your pubspec.yaml file:
yaml dependencies: ccl_services: ^latest_version
Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
Usage #
1. Register Services with Stacked:
void main() {

void setupLocator() {
StackedLocator.instance..registerLazySingleton(() =>
SecureStorageService())..registerLazySingleton(() => LocalizationService());
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2. Access Services:
class MyViewModel extends BaseViewModel {
final _secureStorageService = StackedLocator.instance.get<SecureStorageService>();
final _localizationService = StackedLocator.instance.get<LocalizationService>();
// ... use the services in your view model ... }
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Example: Storing and Retrieving User Preferences
// Store a user preference
await _secureStorageService.setString('theme', 'dark');
// Retrieve a user preference
final theme = await _secureStorageService.getString('theme') ;
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Example: Changing and Observing Locale
// Change the locale
final locale = Locale('es');
// Observe locale changes
_localizationService.localeController.listen((locale) {
// Update UI based on the new locale
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Additional information #
For more detailed examples and usage scenarios, please refer to the /example folder.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue
on the GitHub repository.
Contributions are welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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