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checkfort 0.1.1
CheckFort is a wrapper for Forcheck, a static analyser for Fortran.
CheckFort aims to simplify the launching of forcheck and reformats its
output into a format which we believe to be easier to navigate.
A valid installation of FORCHECK (version >=14.2)
Python >=2.6
pygments >=1.4
To use CheckFort, you need a valid Forcheck installation. The following
environment variables must be set:
FCKDIR : Forcheck installation directory
FCKPWD : Path to Forcheck license file
You can then run:
cfort [options] files/dirs…
Run cfort –help for more options.
CheckFort is developed independently from Forcheck and is neither endorsed
nor supported by its provider.
This software is licensed under the OSI-approved “3-clause BSD License”.
See the included LICENSE.txt file.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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