cli-spectrogram 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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clispectrogram 1.0.0

Command Line Interface Spectrogram
Simple python module that creates spectrograms from multi channel hydrophone array data in the command line.

Our group needed a lightweight, command line tool to look at spectrogram data coming from multi channel hydrophone arrays.
This was designed for text or binary files created using the uldaq library. Link to their source code here.
Example data file with two channels
The first column contains voltage readings from channel 1
The second column contains voltage readings from channel 2
The data points are separated by ','
0.001782, 0.002414
0.002414, 0.002414
0.001641, -0.001416
0.000060, -0.001416
-0.001416, -0.001416
-0.001908, -0.001100
-0.001100, -0.001100

Installing cli-spectrogram
cli-spectrogram is meant to be a standalone tool.
$ pip install cli-spectrogram

Running cli-spectrogram
$ cli_spectrogram --sample-rate 38400 --file-length 1 --source ./examples
$ cli_spectrogram --help

usage: cli_spectrogram [-h] --sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE --file-length
FILE_LENGTH [-d] [--source SOURCE]
[--threshold-steps THRESHOLD_STEPS]
[-c {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [-t THRESHOLD_DB]
[-m MARKFREQ_HZ] [--nfft NFFT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE
--file-length FILE_LENGTH
in seconds
-d, --debug Show debugging print messsages
--source SOURCE Source directory with .txt files
--threshold-steps THRESHOLD_STEPS
How many dB above and below threshold
-c {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, --display-channel {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
-t THRESHOLD_DB, --threshold-db THRESHOLD_DB
-m MARKFREQ_HZ, --markfreq-hz MARKFREQ_HZ
--nfft NFFT

Different ways to launch cli-spectrogram
$ cli_spectrogram --sample-rate 38400 --file-length 1 --source ./examples

$ cli_spectrogram --sample-rate 38400 --file-length 1 --source ./examples --markfreq-hz 2000 --threshold-db 80

$ cli_spectrogram --sample-rate 38400 --file-length 1 --source ./examples --markfreq-hz 2000 --threshold-db 80 --threshold-steps 20

Navigating the user interface
Adjust the Threshold (dB)

press the 'up arrow' to increase the threshold dB value by THRESHOLD_STEPS.
press the 'down arrow' to decrease the threshold dB value by THRESHOLD_STEPS.

Adjust the Mark Frequency

press the 'right arrow' to increase the mark frequency value by 200Hz.
press the 'left arrow' to decrease the mark frequency value by 200Hz.

Toggle Full Screen

press 'F' or 'f' to toggle full screen mode. In full screen mode there are more rows to the spectrogram but the menu and legend are hidden.

Navigation Mode

press 'pg up' to display the next file. (if you're at the most current file, 'pg up' won't do anything).
press 'pg down' to display the previous file. (if you're at the oldest file, 'pg down' won't do anything).
press 'escape' to exit Navigation mode and return to streaming mode.
Note: in Navigation mode, the spectrogram will be displayed for the current file and wait indefinitely. When Streaming mode is resumed, the spectrogram will be of the latest file, NOT where it left off.

Ui Indicators

Left column info
Center column legend
Right column help

Threshold (dB): Current threshold.
Mode: Streaming OR Navigation
up / down Keys to adjust the threshold

Sample Rate (Hz): Sample rate of collected data.
Color bar for spectrogram
left / right Keys to adjust the frequency marker

Viewing same file: if True, the spectrogram is being re-rendered from the same file. if False, then the spectrogram on display is a new render.
lower bound dB - upper bount dB
pg up/pg down view next file/view prev file

file: name of the file that is being rendered.

ESC Exit navigation mode

time: time the file was created/last modified converted to local time

F/f toggle full screen

refresh count: The heartbeat of the app.

Errors and fail states

cli-spectrogram has a minimum console size. If you shrink the window past the minimum size, you'll be prompted to resize until the minimum dimensions are met.

If there aren't any files in the log directory, you'll need to restart the cli-spectrogram and provide a directory to --source that has the text/binary files generated by the uldaq library; however, if files are added to the directory while in this state, cli-spectrogram will return to/start streaming.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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