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clipydl 0.9.7
Command Line Interface using Python for Youtube
Asynchronous Python command-line YouTube video downloader.
This project was created so I could learn Python’s asyncio library.
The following Python versions are supported:
Python 3.4
The following third-party libraries are used:
aiohttp (asynchronous HTTP communication)
pyperclip (optional, uses Gtk to read the clipboard)
clipy -d
User Interface:
clipy --ui
User interface written with curses from the standard library:
start script with --ui option
copy youtube url into clipboard
follow menu: I to inquire, D to download
Only tested on Ubuntu Trusty and Mac Lion.
Python for Windows does not contain the needed curses library so the user
interface will not work “out of the box”, perhaps UniCurses can help.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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