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common locale data
common_locale_data #
This packages provides a type-safe and tree-shakable way to access translated common data.
The translations are extracted from the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Available data #
Translations for measurement units in full and abbreviated forms including singular/plural modifications.
Translations for language names.
Translations for territory and country names.
Translations for currency names, including singular/plural modifications.
Translations for weekday, month, era, period of day, in full and abbreviated forms.
Translations for time zones and example cities (or similar) for time zones.
Translations for calendar fields.
Translations for relative time fields.
Tree-shaking #
All the data and translations are stored as literal strings in the code. The APIs are designed to be
tree-shakeable. The final application's binaries won't include the translations for languages you don't use.
Source #
All the data are extracted from this repository: https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr-json
Example #
import 'package:common_locale_data/common_locale_data.dart';
void main() {
// To preserve tree-shaking, you should explicitly choose the language your want
// The compiler will only retain the languages that are explicitly referenced in your program
// and discard all the others languages. It will make your deployed program smaller.
// Setup the default language for English
cld = CommonLocaleData.en;
// If your app support several languages, dynamically choose the language you want
var currentLanguage = 'en';
cld = const {
'en': CommonLocaleData.en,
'fr': CommonLocaleData.fr,
// Units
print(cld.units.lengthMeter); // meters
print(cld.units.lengthMeter.long(3)); // 3 meters
print(cld.units.lengthMeter.long(1)); // 1 meter
print(cld.units.areaSquareMeter.long(3)); // 3 square meters
print(cld.units.areaSquareMeter.short(3)); // 3 m²
print(cld.units.areaSquareMeter.narrow(3)); // 3m²
// Date fields
print(cld.date.year.future.long(2)); // in 2 years
print(cld.date.year.past.long(2)); // 2 years ago
print(cld.date.year.next.long); // next year
print(cld.date.year.previous.long); // last year
// Territories
print(cld.territories.africa); // Africa
print(cld.territories.countries['US']); // United States
// Languages
print(cld.languages.languages['en']!.name); // English
copied to clipboard
Supported language #
Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese
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