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Complaints package helps people to file complaints , they can provide Complaint type , location and details about the Complaint.
Features #
Complaints Pages: The package includes several pages like complaints_type.dart, complaints_location.dart, complaints_details.dart that provide the user interface for Filing Complaint.
Complaints Blocs: It provides various BLoCs Like ComplaintsInboxBloc,ComplaintsRegistrationBloc for state management using the BLoC pattern. These BLoCs handle the business logic for Filing Complaints.
Complaints Models: It defines various data models like PgrAddressModel, PgrComplaintModel, PgrServiceModel etc. used in the attendance management process.
Complaints Repositories: The package provides abstract classes for data repositories, PgrServiceLocalRepository, PgrServiceRemoteRepository, which can be extended to create repositories for different complaint models.
Getting started #
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
complaints: ^any
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Usage #
To Navigate to any screens of the package:
First add complaint_router to your main app router
Navigate to the required screen using the below code:
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Complaints package requires below data to be passed from main app:
String? tenantId;
String? loggedInUserUuid;
String? userMobileNumber;
String? loggedInUserName;
List<String>? complaintTypes;
String? userName;
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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