
Creator: coderz1093

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Features #
A handy flutter package the helps you in converting

Decimal to Hex.
Hex to Decimal
Decimal to Binary.
Binary to Decimal.
Binary to Hex.
Hex to Binary.
Decimal to Octal.
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to Decimal Degree.
Radians to Degree
One's Complement.
Two's Complement.

Getting started #
Add the package in pubspec.yaml file
To import conversions:
import 'package:conversion/conversion.dart';
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Usage #
Convert convert = Convert();
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To convert from decimal to hex string
convert.decimalToHex(values: [192, 193]); //[c0, c1]
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To convert from decimal to binary
convert.decimalToBinary(values: [192, 193]); //[11000000, 11000001]
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To convert from binary to decimal
convert.binaryTodecimal(values: ['100', '101']); //[4, 5]
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To convert from binary to hex
convert.binaryToHex(values: ['11000000']); //[c0]
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To convert from hex to binary
convert.hexToBinary(values: ['c0']); //[11000000]
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To convert from decimal to octal
convert.decimalToOctal(values: [192, 193]); //[300, 301]
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To convert from hex string to decimal
convert.hexToDecimal(hexString: ['c0', 'c1']); //[192, 193]
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To find one's complement
convert.findOnesComplement(binary: '011'); // 100
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To find two's complement
convert.findTwosComplement(binary: '0111'); // 1001
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convert degree, min, seconds to decimal degree
convert.toDecimalDegree(degree: 30, minutes: 15, seconds: 50));; // 30.26388888888889
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To convert radians to degree
convert.radiansToDegree(radians: 2); // 114.59155902616465
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Additional information #
I will be adding more features in next set of versions.
Anyone can contribute & make this package more flexible.
You can connect with me at




For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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