
Creator: coderz1093

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conversion units

DartUnits #

The main aim for this project is to produce conversion functions for the various units of measurement (listed below). The code and the unit tests
are auto-generated by the UnitCodeGenerator tool. Hence any changes need to made within the definitions file.
Package available via
Unit conversions also available for #
Example #
Example of usage:
import 'package:conversion_units/conversion_units.dart';

var fahrenheit = Celsius.toFahrenheit(12.0);
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Each unit of measure then includes functions to convert to each for example, converting each Temperature unit of measure to each other Temperature.
Angle #
* Degrees (deg)
* Gradians (grad)
* Milliradians (mrad)
* Minute Of Arc (arcmin)
* Radians (rad)
* Seconds Of Arc (arcseconds)
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Area #
* Acres (acre)
* Hectares (hectare)
* Square Feet (feet2)
* Square Inches (inch2)
* Square Kilometres (km2)
* Square Metres (m2)
* Square Miles (mile2)
* Square Yards (yard2)
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Data Storage #
* Bits (b)
* Gigabits (Gb)
* Gigabytes (GB)
* Kibibits (kibibit)
* Kilobits (k)
* Kilobytes (KB)
* Mebibits (mebibit)
* Megabits (Mb)
* Megabytes (MB)
* Terabits (Tb)
* Terabytes (TB)
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Data Transfer Rate #
* Bits Per Second (bps)
* GigaBits Per Second (Gbps)
* GigaBytes Per Second (GBps)
* Kibibits Per Second (Kibitps)
* KiloBits Per Second (kbps)
* KiloBytes Per Second (kBps)
* Mebibits Per Second (Mibit)
* MegaBits Per Second (Mbps)
* MegaBytes Per Second (MBps)
* TeraBits Per Second (Tbps)
* TeraBytes Per Second (TBps)
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Energy #
* Btu (btu)
* Calories (cal)
* Electronvolts (eV)
* Foot Pounds (ftlb)
* Joules (J)
* Kilocalories (kCal)
* Kilojoules (kJ)
* Kilowatt Hours (kWh)
* US Therms (ustherm)
* Watt Hours (Wh)
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Force #
* Dynes (dyn)
* Kilogram-force (kp)
* Newtons (N)
* Poundals (pdl)
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Frequency #
* Gigahertz (GHz)
* Hertz (Hz)
* Kilohertz (kHz)
* Megahertz (MHz)
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Fuel Economy #
* Kilometre Per Litre (kml)
* Litres Per 100 Kilometres (l100km)
* Miles Per Gallon (mpg)
* US Miles Per Gallon (usmpg)
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Length #
* Centimetres (cm)
* Feet (ft)
* Inches (inch)
* Kilometres (km)
* Metres (m)
* Miles (mile)
* Millimetres (mm)
* Nautical Miles (NM)
* Yards (yard)
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Luminous Energy #
* LumenHour (lmh)
* LumenMinute (lmmin)
* LumenSecond (lms)
* Talbot (T)
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Magnetomotive Force #
* Ampere-turns (AT)
* Gilberts (Gi)
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Mass #
* Carats (ct)
* Grams (g)
* Kilograms (kg)
* Milligrams (mg)
* Ounces (oz)
* Pounds (lb)
* Stones (stone)
* Tonnes (tonne)
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Power #
* Mechanical Horse Power (hp)
* Metric Horse Power (ps)
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Pressure #
* Atmospheres (atm)
* Bars (b)
* Pascals (Pa)
* Psi (psi)
* Torrs (Torr)
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Speed #
* Feet Per Second (fps)
* Kilometres Per Hour (kph)
* Knots (knot)
* Metres Per Second (mps)
* Miles Per Hour (mph)
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Temperature #
* Celsius (C)
* Fahrenheit (F)
* Kelvin (K)
* Rankine (R)
* RĂ©aumur (r)
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Time #
* Centuries (century)
* Days (day)
* Decades (decade)
* Hours (hour)
* Microseconds (microsecond)
* Milliseconds (millisecond)
* Minutes (minute)
* Months (month)
* Nanoseconds (nanosecond)
* Seconds (second)
* Weeks (week)
* Years (year)
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Volume #
* Cubic Feet (feet3)
* Cubic Inches (inch3)
* Cubic Metres (m3)
* Fluid Ounces (floz)
* Gallons (gal)
* Kilolitres (kl)
* Litres (l)
* Millilitres (ml)
* Oil Barrels (oilbarrel)
* Pints (pt)
* Quarts (qt)
* Tablespoons (tbsp)
* Teaspoons (tsp)
* US Cups (uscup)
* US Fluid Ounces (usfloz)
* US Gallons (usgal)
* US Pints (uspt)
* US Quarts (usqt)
* US Tablespoons (ustbsp)
* US Teaspoons (ustsp)
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Apps #
The "My Unit Conversions" app. (for Android, iOS and Windows) uses the C# (PutridParrot.Units) version of this library and can be obtained from the following stores/locations.

The Mac version of the app. uses this Swift package and can be obtained from the following location


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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