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couchbase lite dart
Feature checklist
Platform support
Introduction #
A full-featured embedded NoSQL database
that runs locally on mobile devices
This is a Dart port of the Couchbase Lite database, built on top of the Couchbase Lite C library (CBL_C) using dart.ffi.
Warning: This project is still in early development stage, the API is still fluid and breaking changes might still happen!
Help with testing, documentation and development is welcome. Here's how you can contribute
Feature checklist #
A Database is both a filesystem object and a container for documents.
✅ Open, Close, Copy, Compact, Delete
✅ Batch operations, similar to a transaction
✅ Change notifications, document change notifications
✅ Buffered notifications
A Document is essentially a JSON object with an ID string that's unique in its database.
✅ CRUD - Create, Read, Udpdate, Delete
✅ Save conflict handler
✅ Document expiration, with automatic purge
✅ Fleece API for direct access to the binary data
✅ Query language based on the N1QL language
from Couchbase Server, which you can think of as "SQL for JSON" or "SQL++".
✅ Query parameters
✅ Explain
✅ Change listener - turns a query into "live query"
✅ Indexes: value index or Full-text Search (FTS)
A replicator is a background task that synchronizes changes between a local database and
another database on a remote server
✅ Authentication: Basic and Session based
✅ Pull/push filters
✅ Status listeners
❌ Replicated document listeners
✅ Conflict-resolution callbacks (See issue #86)
✅ Create, read through content based API
✅ Stream based API
Platform support #
Windows: Bundled with the package. Beta status.
Some assembly is required. You can either
build the shared libraries yourself from the repository:
https://github.com/Rudiksz/couchbase-lite-C.git using the feature/dart branch or the tag with the matching version
download the prebuilt libraries from BUILDS
Once you have the shared libraries place them in your project's
\android\app\src\main\jniLibs\ folder
iOS, macOS: N/A
Examples and how to use #
Important in your main.dart call to initialize Dart<->C callbacks.
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/// Create/open a databse
var db = Database('name', directory: 'path/to directory');
// Documents
var doc = Document("docid", data: {'name': 'John Doe'});
// Read immutable document
doc1 = db.getDocument('docid');
doc1.properties = {'foo': 'bar'}; //<- throws a DatabaseException
// Get a mutable copy
var mutDoc = doc1.mutableCopy;
mutDoc.jsonProperties = {'foo': 'bar'}; // <- OK>
// or retrieve
var doc2 = db.getMutableDocument('testdoc3');
doc2.jsonProperties = {'foo': 'bar8'};
// Query
// Compile a query
final q = Query(db, 'SELECT * WHERE foo=\$VALUE');
q.setParameters = {'VALUE': 'bar'};
// Optionally Turn it into a "live query"
q.addChangeListener((ResultSet results) {
print('New query results: ');
final row = results.rowDict;
// Execute the query
var results = q.execute();
// Replicator
// Create a replicator
var replicator = Replicator(
endpointUrl: 'ws://localhost:4984/remoteDB/',
username: 'testuser',
password: 'password', // or
// 'sessionId': 'dfhfsdyf8dfenfajfoadnf83c4dfhdfad3228yrsefd',
// Set up a status listener
replicator.addChangeListener((status) {
print('Replicator status: ' + status.activityLevel.toString());
// Start the replicator
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See the example folder for a more complete example, including the Fleece API.
Contributing #
Current milestones for versioning are:
0.5.0 - consolidate and document the core API for idiomatic Dart. Breaking changes after that should be deprecated first, if possible.
Align the API to the official SDK's as much as possible and where it makes sense.
Implement solid memory management to eliminate memory leaks - a mix of automatic and manual disposal of objects
make the library "production ready"
Documentation beyond what dart docs has: best practices, tips, caveats, N1SQL features, extensive examples
post 1.0.0
JSONQuery language support for queries, with a QueryBuilder API like the official SDK has
There are couple of ways in which you can contribute:
Adding/testing iOS/macOs. I have the C library source code and some custom wrapper code to make it work with Dart's ffi.
Fixing bugs
Improve documentation
Write examples
Resources #
Couchbase Lite mobile CBL
Couchbase Lite C CBL_C
Prebuilt libraries (Android, Win) BUILDS
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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