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crontip 0.0.3
Crontip is a tool uesd for backup and install of crontab.
You can install crontip by:
pip install crontip
(please use latest pip to install)
|- config.yaml
|- backup # store the backup of crontab
|- ready # store the crontab that ready to be install
Backup the Current Crontab
backup into default destination
crontip -b or crontip --backup
will backup the current crontab and save it into the backup_folder.
appointe the destination with -o
crontip -b -o ./this_is_a_backup
save the backup into ./this_is_a_backup
Edit the Prepared Copy of Backup
crontip -e or crontip --edit
The editing process automatically through two steps:
copy the latest backup into ready folder
cp backup/latest.bk ready/latest.bk
open file with vim
vim ready/latest.bk
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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