
Creator: coderz1093

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curl converter

curl_dart #
A Dart package that provides a Curl class for parsing and formatting cURL commands.
Usage #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file

Use the package:

import 'package:curl_converter/curl_converter.dart';

void main() {
// Parse a cURL command
final curlString = 'curl -X GET';
final curl = Curl.parse(curlString);

// Access parsed data
print(curl.method); // GET
print(curl.uri); //

// Format Curl object to a cURL command
final formattedCurlString = curl.toCurlString();
print(formattedCurlString); // curl -X GET
copied to clipboard
Features #

Parse a cURL command into a Curl class instance.
Format a Curl object back into a cURL command.
Supports various options such as request method, headers, data, cookies, user-agent, and more.

Commands #
Publish new version #
$ dart pub publish --dry-run
copied to clipboard
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please create an issue or make a fork and propose a PR to contribute to this project.
License #
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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