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custom info text field
custom_info_text_field #
A flexible Flutter widget for input fields, supporting both text fields and dropdowns with various configurations.
Features #
Textfield: Allows users to input text or information directly into the field with options for customization.
Dropdown: Presents users with a predefined list of options to choose from, enhancing user experience.
Installation #
To use this package, add info_field as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
Textfield Example:
label: 'Name',
onChanged: (value) {
// Handle the input change
// Add more configurations as needed
copied to clipboard
Dropdown Example:
label: 'Gender',
values: [
DropdownValue(display: 'Male', value: 'male'),
DropdownValue(display: 'Female', value: 'female'),
onChanged: (value) {
// Handle the dropdown selection
// Add more configurations as needed
copied to clipboard
Parameters #
label: The label displayed above the input field.
isRequired: Whether the field is required or not (default is true).
value: Initial value of the field.
asNumber: If true, formats the input as a number.
asAmount: If true, formats the input as a currency amount.
widget: Additional widget to be displayed instead of the default input field.
onChanged: Callback function called when the value changes.
onSubmit: Callback function called when submitting the field.
onTap: Callback function called when tapping on the field.
values: List of options for dropdown fields.
inputFormatters: List of input formatters to customize input behavior.
textCapitalization: Text capitalization behavior.
keyboardType: Keyboard type to use for the input field.
autoFocus: Whether the field should autofocus.
readOnly: Whether the field is read-only.
maxLength: Maximum length of the input.
validator: Validator function for input validation.
maxLines: Maximum number of lines for multi-line input fields.
onEditingComplete: Callback function called when editing is completed.
counterText: Text displayed as a counter for the input.
counterBool: If true, displays a counter for the input.
License #
This package is licensed under the MIT License.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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