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custom step progress
custom_step_progress #
Flutter Step Progress is a customizable widget for displaying step-by-step progress in Flutter applications.
It provides an intuitive interface for multi-step processes or forms.
Features #
Customizable step indicator
Animated back and continue buttons
Glow effect on the finish button
User-definable colors and button height
Responsive design
Add this to your package's "pubspec.yaml" file:
Then run:
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
Then, you can use the "StepProgress" widget in your Flutter app:
You can customize the following properties:
currentStep: The current step (0-indexed)
totalSteps: Total number of steps
onNext: Callback function when the "Continue" button is pressed
onBack: Callback function when the "Back" button is pressed
activeColor: Color of the active step indicators
inactiveColor: Color of the inactive step indicators
backButtonColor: Color of the "Back" button
continueButtonColor: Color of the "Continue" button
finishButtonColor: Color of the "Finish" button (last step)
buttonHeight: Height of the buttons
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