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d json
d_json #
Dart JSON处理库 #
请大佬们多多指教,给个 Star,你的支持就是我不断前进的动力,谢谢。
特性 #
安装 #
在 pubspec.yaml 中添加
d_json: ^0.0.4
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使用 #
// 测试数据
final data = {
"code": "00000",
"message": "成功",
"payload": [
"goodsId": "10039353087490",
"goodsName": "全20册儿童奇妙大自然科普百科儿童绘本3-6岁 幼儿园中大班宝宝启蒙认知睡前故事书彩图注音版 儿童情商逆商培养反霸凌启蒙绘本 奇妙大自然科普绘本全套20册",
"bandName": "荷甄",
"monthSales": 0,
"price": 119.8,
"priceStr": "119.8",
"isMember": true,
"lowestCouponPrice": 29.8,
"szmfPrice": 27.12,
"commission": 2.68,
"goodsUrl": "item.jd.com/10039353087490.html",
"couponList": [
"quota": 115,
"discount": 90,
"type": 3
"shopInfo": {"shopId": 10330852, "shopName": "四维图书专营店"},
"mainPic": "https://img14.360buyimg.com/pop/jfs/t1/203268/1/21329/420195/62562364E75f53dfb/0a1bd80dd3815873.jpg",
"jumpLink": null,
"pid": "1234"
"pageIndex": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"total": 192
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String shopName = '';
if (data['payload'] is List &&
(data['payload'] as List).isNotEmpty &&
(data['payload'] as List)[0] is Map &&
(data['payload'] as List)[0]['shopInfo'] is Map &&
(data['payload'] as List)[0]['shopInfo']['shopName'] is String) {
shopName = (data['payload'] as List)[0]['shopInfo']['shopName'] as String;
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final shopName = DJson(data)['payload'][0]['shopInfo']['shopName'].StringValue;
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import 'package:d_json/d_json.dart';
// 数据为Map或List数据时
final json = DJson(data);
// 数据为JsonString数据时
final json = DJson.fromJsonStr(data);
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// data数据中取出第一条数据的shopName数据
final shopName = DJson(data)['payload'][0]['shopInfo']['shopName'].stringValue;
// 获取data中message数据,不存在时返回默认值
final message = DJson(data)['message'].stringOrDefValue('未知错误');
// 获取data中第一条数据中的价格
final price = DJson(data)['payload'][0]['price'].doubleValue;
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// 初始化
final json = DJson(data);
// 返回可选类型,类型匹配且存在才有值,否则返回null
final _ = json["xxx"].stringValue; // 获取可选String
final _ = json["xxx"].numValue; // 获取可选num
final _ = json["xxx"].intValue; // 获取可选int
final _ = json["xxx"].doubleValue; // 获取可选double
final _ = json["xxx"].boolValue; // 获取可选bool
final _ = json["xxx"].mapValue; // 获取可选Map
final _ = json["xxx"].listValue; // 获取可选List
// 返回不为空的类型,类型匹配且存在才有值,否则返回默认值
final _ = json["xxx"].stringOrDefValue(''); // 获取String
final _ = json["xxx"].numOrDefValue(0); // 获取num
final _ = json["xxx"].intOrDefValue(0); // 获取int
final _ = json["xxx"].doubleOrDefValue(0); // 获取double
final _ = json["xxx"].boolOrDefValue(true); // 获取bool
final _ = json["xxx"].mapOrDefValue({}); // 获取Map
final _ = json["xxx"].listOrDefValue([1,2]); // 获取List
// 类型不匹配,强制转换
final _ = json["xxx"].forceToString; // 获取String
final _ = json["xxx"].forceToNum; // 获取num
final _ = json["xxx"].forceToInt; // 获取int
final _ = json["xxx"].forceToDouble; // 获取double
final _ = json["xxx"].forceToBool; // 获取bool
// 常用默认值
final _ = json["xxx"].stringOrEmpty; // 获取String,不存在返回默认值""
final _ = json["xxx"].numOrZero; // 获取num,不存在返回默认值0
final _ = json["xxx"].intOrZero; // 获取int,不存在返回默认值0
final _ = json["xxx"].doubleOrZero; // 获取double,不存在返回默认值0
final _ = json["xxx"].boolOrFalse; // 获取bool,不存在返回默认值false
final _ = json["xxx"].mapOrEmpty; // 获取Map,不存在返回默认值{}
final _ = json["xxx"].listOrEmpty; // 获取List,不存在返回默认值[]
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