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d navigation bar
DNavigationBar #
Bu Flutter package ilovalar uchun pastki navigatsiya panelini (BottomNavigationBar) o'z ichiga oladi.
O'rnatish #
Paketni o'rnatish uchun pubspec.yaml faylga quyidagi qatorni qo'shing:
d_navigation_bar: ^0.0.1
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va flutter pub get buyrug'ini ishga tushiring.
yoki terminalga quyidagi kodni kiriting:
flutter pub add d_navigation_bar
copied to clipboard
Foydalanish #
import 'package:d_navigation_bar/d_navigation_bar.dart';
copied to clipboard
Features #
Customizable Appearance: DNavigation Bar allows you to customize the appearance of the bottom navigation bar, including colors, icons, and text.
Dynamic Item Changes: Easily change the items in the navigation bar dynamically based on your app's logic.
Tap Event Handling: Handle tap events on navigation bar items to navigate between different screens in your app.
Responsive Design: The navigation bar is designed to be responsive and work seamlessly across different screen sizes.
Easy Integration: Simple integration with your Flutter app using the provided package.
Author #
Diyorbek @diyorbek - author
Diyorbek Qurbonov | Flutter Developer #
Follow Me #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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