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daemonctl 1.3.25
# Daemon Control (daemonctl)
Description: A python framework and tools to manage small applications
Technology stack: Plain python
Status: Running in production [CHANGELOG](
When administrating alot of applications on different servers or developing alot of small services it’s often desireable to keep the inhouse services seperate from system services.
## Dependencies
python >= 2.6
setprocname: to have cleaner names in ps for the daemons (not required)
## Installation
sudo ./ install
## Configuration
configfile in /usr/local/etc/daemonctl.conf (or where DAEMONCTL is installed)
logpath = logdir # Path to directory where log files will be placed
pidpath = piddir # Path to directory where pid files will be placed
modules {
module1 {
name = modulename # name of daemon in status and other daemonctl commands (should include %(id)s if type=dynamic)
type = moduletype # single or dynamic
path = modulepath # Path to where the files are (will do chdir to here before running command)
execcmd = commandline # Command to run (will be prefixed with path)
listcmd = listcommand # Command that returns id:s for type=dynamic, one id per row
logpath = logdir # Can override the global logpath
pidpath = piddir # Can override the global pidpath
runas = username # Run daemon as this user
## Usage
| Usage: daemonctl [options] <command> [daemon]
| Commands:
| start Start daemons
| stop Stop daemons (“-f” to force)
| restart Restart daemons (stop+start)
| forcestop Force daemons to stop (kill -9)
| status Get daemon status
| enable Enable an application
| disable Disable an application
| hide Hide daemon from status
| show Unhide daemon from status
| tail Tail a daemon log
| less Less a daemon log
| csvstatus Get daemon status in csv format
| Options:
| -h, –help show this help message and exit
| -f, –force
| -r, –regex Select daemons using regexp only
| -g, –glob Select daemons using globbing only
| -e, –exact Select daemons using exact match only
| -c CONFIG, –config=CONFIG
| -a, –showall Show hidden
| -v, –version Print version
## Known issues
The code is very messy
## Getting help
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository’s Issue Tracker.
## Getting involved
Feature request with documentation, fixes, new features and general beutification is welcome.
## Open source licensing info
Copyright: SVT 2018
GNU General Public License version 3
except for []( which is Copyright (c) 2016, Aaron Christianson
## Primary Maintainer
Andreas Åkerlund
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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