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dart hydrologis utils
Some simple common utils for our projects.
Simple SLD styling is supported.
parsing of point/line/polygon/text symbolizers
writing of point/line/polygon/text symbolizers
add or remove symbolizers to/from rule
geotools and QGIS SLDs are equally supported at the current time
Attributes parsed and their default value #
markerName = "Circle";
markerSize = 5;
fillColorHex = "#000000";
fillOpacity = 1.0;
strokeColorHex = "#000000";
strokeWidth = 1.0;
strokeOpacity = 1.0;
strokeColorHex = "#000000";
strokeWidth = 1.0;
strokeOpacity = 1.0;
fillColorHex = "#000000";
fillOpacity = 1.0;
strokeColorHex = "#000000";
strokeWidth = 1.0;
strokeOpacity = 1.0;
labelName = "";
textColor = "#000000";
size = 12;
haloSize = 1.0;
haloColor = "#FFFFFF";
Filters #
At the moment the only Rule filter supported is the one based on unique values that are created using PropertyIsEqualTo, i.e. something like
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