
Creator: coderz1093

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dart scope functions

dart_scope_functions #
dart_scope_functions is a Dart utility library that implements Kotlin-inspired scope functions. These functions provide a convenient way to execute a block of code within the context of an object, making the code more readable and expressive.
Features #

Execute blocks of code within the context of an object.
Chain multiple operations on an object in a readable manner.
Conditional operations on objects, including nullable types.

Installation #
Add dart_scope_functions to your pubspec.yaml file:
dart_scope_functions: latest
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Then, run pub get to install the package.
Usage #
Import the library:
import 'package:dart_scope_functions/dart_scope_functions.dart';
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Example #
void main() {
var result = 'Hello'.also((it) {
print(it); // Prints 'Hello'
}).let((it) {
return it.length;

print(result); // Prints 5

var nullableString = null;
var defaultString = nullableString.withDefault('Default Value');
print(defaultString); // Prints 'Default Value'

var conditionResult = 42.takeIf((it) => it > 40);
print(conditionResult); // Prints 42

var runResult = run(() {
return 'Running a block';
print(runResult); // Prints 'Running a block'
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Extensions on Any Type [T] #
T also(void Function(T it) block)
Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns this value.

block: A function to execute with the value.
Returns: The original value.

R let<R>(R Function(T it) block)
Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns its result.

block: A function to execute with the value.
Returns: The result of block.

T? takeIf(bool Function(T it) predicament)
Returns this value if it satisfies the given predicament or null if it doesn't.

predicament: A condition to evaluate.
Returns: The value if it satisfies the condition, otherwise null.

T? takeUnless(bool Function(T it) predicament)
Returns this value if it does not satisfy the given predicament or null if it does.

predicament: A condition to evaluate.
Returns: The value if it does not satisfy the condition, otherwise null.

Extensions on Nullable Type [T?] #
R letWithElse<R>(R Function(T it) block, {required R orElse})
Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns its result. If this is null, it returns the provided orElse value.

block: A function to execute with the value if it's not null.
orElse: A default value to return if this is null.
Returns: The result of block or orElse.

T withDefault(T defaultValue)
Returns this value if it's not null, otherwise returns the provided defaultValue.

defaultValue: A default value to return if this is null.
Returns: The value or the default value.

Global Functions #
R run<R>(R Function() block)
Calls the specified function block and returns its result.

block: A function to execute.
Returns: The result of block.


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