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dartamaker #
A command-line Dart script and library that generates JSON or CSV data in bulk. If you are building an IT system,
then the chances are you'll need to populate a database (whether SQL or NoSQL) with some reasonably realistic data
to test and benchmark with.
This is a port of the Node.js datamaker tool, see the AUTHORS file for further details.
The dartamaker tool allows sample data to be created by supplying:
a template of how the data is to look. The data can contain multiple placeholders where sample data will be inserted e.g. {{firstname}},{{lastname}},{{date}}.
the format of the output data: none, json xml or csv. This effects how the generated string data is processed prior to delivery.
the number of records to be created.
Quick example:
$ dartamaker --format csv --iterations 5 "{{uuid}},{{date}},{{firstname}} {{surname}},{{email}}"
10U9SHHE2463IH9E,1970-10-12,Marylee Dodge,[email protected]
379QYC80U5KYQP4D,1994-11-09,Melany Fuqua,[email protected]
DERC4Y2BQ6HCI0HI,1983-08-11,Cathleen Leal,[email protected]
00K8FEGZJO31Q08O,2005-06-18,Louie Lee,[email protected]
JDYSVPTAEXKEF9D8,1982-10-29,Dionne Vann,[email protected]
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You can activate dartamaker for command line use by executing the following command :-
pub global activate dartamaker
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Command-line parameters reference #
--template/-t - the path of the template file e.g --template /path/to/template.txt
--format/-f - the target file format (none, csv, json or xml). Default none e.g. --format json
--iterations/-i - the number of records to create. Default 1 e.g. --iterations 5000
--list/-l - list the available tags
The command line parameters must come before any input to process.
Generating CSV files #
The template for a CSV file can be stored in a text file and supplied with the --template/-t parameter. Create a text file containing the following template:
{{uuid}},{{date}},{{time}},{{firstname}} {{surname}},{{street}},{{town}},{{zip}} {{statecode}},{{longitude}},{{latitude}}
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The template contains the layout of each line of data, with placeholders for where the dynamic data is inserted. Save it as template.txt.
You may now run dartamaker using this template:
$ dartamaker -t ./template.txt -f csv -i 500
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Generating JSON data #
JSON data is generated in a similar way. This time our template represents a single JSON document:
"_id": "{{uuid}}",
"name": "{{firstname}} {{surname}}",
"dob": "{{date 2014-01-01}}",
"address": {
"street": "{{street}}",
"town": "{{town}}",
"postode": "{{postcode}}"
"telephone": "{{tel}}",
"pets": ["{{cat}}","{{dog}}"],
"score": {{float 1,10,1}},
"email": "{{email}}",
"url": "{{website}}",
"description": "{{words 20}}",
"verified": {{boolean 0.75}},
"salary": {{float 10000,70000,0}}
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Save the template as template.json.
Run the dartamaker as before but with json as the format parameter:
$ dartamaker -t ./template.json -f json -i 500
{"_id":"G3BX8LUGFHAGFX7A","name":"Chelsea Ballou","dob":"2003-10-10","address":{"street":"0055 Houghton","town":"Tynemouth","postode":"HU0 4GF"},"telephone":"+509-9934-828-292","pets":["Murphy","Nala"],"score":9.5,"email":"[email protected]","url":"http://propriospinal.com","description":"outmate solarometer Zapara tyro keratinize galactolytic divestiture swardy petaled tearlessness adjutorious epigynum jotation tavernly suggestum Eriophyes straint Tsuma malignation autoscience","verified":true,"salary":32082}
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Generating XML data #
Create an XML template e.g. template.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ceo>{{firstname}} {{surname}}</ceo>
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Run the dartamaker as before but with xml as the format parameter:
$ dartamaker -t ./template.xml -f xml -i 500
<?xml version="1.0"?><company> <name>Consulting </name> <address> <street>5270 Bispham Lane</street> <city>Saint Louis</city> <state>Alabama</state> <zip>AZ83647</zip> </address> <ceo>Jefferey Harvey</ceo> <dateCreated>2009-10-28</dateCreated></company>
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Tag reference #
The Mustache-style tags you may use are listed below. Some tags allow extra parameters to be supplied to affect the range of random data generated
The code for the tags can be found in the plugins folder of the source code.
A-E - airport autoinc boolean cat city company country creditcard currency date date_iso digits dog domainname email emojii
F-O - firstname float integer last latitude letters longitude oneof name normal
P-T - postcode price state statecode street surname tel time timestamp title tld town
U-Z - url uuid website word words zip
{{airport}} #
Three-digit airport code.
Parameters: none
{{airport}} ---> MTK
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{{autoinc}} #
Auto-incrementing number.
Parameters: none
{{autoinc}} ---> 1
{{autoinc}} ---> 2
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{{boolean}} #
Boolean value.
probability of being true (default 0.5)
{{boolean}} ---> false
{{boolean 0.95}} ---> true
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{{cat}} #
Cat name.
Parameters: none
{{cat}} ---> Smokey
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{{city}} #
US city name.
Parameters: none
{{city}} ---> Fremont
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{{company}} #
Company name.
Parameters: none
{{company}} ---> Venusian Software Corp
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{{country}} #
Country name.
Parameters: none
{{country}} ---> Lebanon
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{{county}} #
UK county name.
Parameters: none
{{county}} ---> Derbyshire
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{{creditcard}} #
Credit card number.
Parameters: none
{{creditcard}} ---> 6011867289904845
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{{currency}} #
Currency code.
Parameters: none
{{currency}} ---> USD
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{{date}} #
Random date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
min - minimum date (default '1970-01-01')
max - maximum date (default 'now')
{{date}} ---> 1977-02-28
{{date 2015-01-01}} ---> 2018-08-02 // date after 2015-01-01
{{date 2015-01-01 2016-01-01}} ---> 2015-04-23 // date in 2015
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{{date_iso}} #
Random date in ISO-8601 format.
min - minimum date (default '1970-01-01')
max - maximum date (default 'now')
{{date_iso}} ---> 2013-05-24T02:44:04.687Z
{{date_iso 2015-01-01}} ---> 2018-07-09T22:15:30.512Z // date after 2015-01-01
{{date_iso 2015-01-01 2016-01-01}} ---> 2015-04-21T18:08:33.979Z // date in 2015
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{{digits}} #
String of numerals.
numDigits (default 5)
{{digits}} ---> 06984
{{digits 8}} ---> 61103920
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{{dog}} #
Dog name.
Parameters: none
{{dog}} ---> Lucky
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{{domainname}} #
Domain name.
Parameters: none
{{domainname}} ---> yallaer.com
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{{email}} #
Email address.
Parameters: none
{{email}} ---> [email protected]
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{{emojii}} #
numChars - number of characters (default 1)
{{emojii}} ---> ๐ฆ
{{emojii 3}} ---> ๐นโ๐บ
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{{firstname}} #
Human first name.
{{firstname}} ---> Bethan
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{{float}} #
Floating point number.
min (default 1)
max (default 100)
decimalPlaces (default 4)
{{float}} ---> 13.8592
{{float 1000,2000,2}} ---> 1750.06
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{{integer}} #
Integer number.
min (default 1)
max (default 100)
{{integer}} ---> 99
{{integer 1000,2000}} ---> 1523
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{{last}} #
The last generate value of the supplied tag. This is used to re-use generated data elsewhere in your template.
tag - the name of the tag
{{last uuid}} ---> HSFC5LQPCP84IVY7 (the last uuid that was generated by dartamaker)
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{{latitude}} #
Decimal latitude.
Parameters: none
{{latitude}} ---> -54.4371
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{{letters}} #
String of uppercase characters.
numLetters (default 5)
{{letters}} ---> TVEHJ
{{letters 10}} ---> WOBOJRJFCU
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{{longitude}} #
Decimal longitude.
Parameters: none
{{longitude}} ---> 175.2526
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{{oneof}} #
Picks one of supplied values.
Parameters: any number of strings
{{oneof Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin}} ---> Slytherin
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{{name}} #
Combination for firstname and surname. Equivalent of {{firstname}} {{surname}}.
Parameters: none
{{name}} ---> Anna Flint
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{{normal}} #
Generates numbers on a normal distribution
mean - centre of distribution (default 50)
stddev - standard deviation (default 1)
decimalPlaces - number of decimal places (default 4)
{{normal}} ---> 50.1097
{{normal 20000,1000,2}} ---> 20370.88
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{{postcode}} #
UK postcode.
Parameters: none
{{postcode}} ---> KT4 0XS
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{{price}} #
Floating point price.
min (default 1)
max (default 100)
{{price}} ---> 65.29
{{price 500 700}} ---> 521.98
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{{state}} #
US state name.
Parameters: none
{{state}} ---> Ohio
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{{statecode}} #
2-letter US state code.
Parameters: none
{{statecode}} ---> NC
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{{street}} #
Street address.
Parameters: none
{{street}} ---> 6502 Chantler Avenue
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{{surname}} #
Human surname.
Parameters: none
{{surname}} ---> Doyle-Tyson
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{{tel}} #
International telephone number.
Parameters: none
{{tel}} ---> +43-3040-100-474
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{{time}} #
Time in HH:MM:SS format.
Parameters: none
{{time}} ---> 10:45:59
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{{timestamp}} #
Timestamp in milliseconds since 1970.
min - minimum timestamp (default 0)
max - maximum timestamp (default 'now')
{{timestamp}} ---> 351543517819
{{timestamp 946684800000}} --> 1163308913102 // timestamp after 2000-01-01
{{timestamp 946684800000,978307200000}} --> 959753617250 // timestamp in year 2000
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{{title}} #
Honorific or title e.g. Mr, Mrs etc.
Parameters: none
{{title}} ---> Reverend
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{{tld}} #
Top level domain, or common domain name ending.
Parameters: none
{{tld}} ---> gov.pr
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{{town}} #
UK town name.
Parameters: none
{{town}} ---> Dudley
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{{url}} #
Full URL.
Parameters: none
{{url}} ---> https://www.jovinianist.com/microcosmology.html?adrenalone=VEF0TSB23N04V8MO
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{{uuid}} #
Unique identifier.
Parameters: none
{{uuid}} ---> C3QTU8YIVKZY126Q
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{{website}} #
Full website URL.
Parameters: none
{{website}} ---> http://unlyrically.com
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{{word}} #
Single word.
Parameters: none
{{word}} ---> synentognathous
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{{words}} #
Multiple words.
count (default 5)
{{words}} ---> piacularly burp archisymbolical glumaceous Calinago
{{words 2}} --->Xenomorpha mauler
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{{zip}} #
US ZIP code.
Parameters: none
{{zip}} ---> 69882
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Formatting #
The --format/-f parameter defines
how the text in each substitution is pre-processed before output e.g. in json mode double quotes are escaped correctly.
how each line of output is processed prior to output e.g. in json mode the completed template is parsed to check it is valid JSON before being output on a a single line followed by a \n character
The code for the formatters can be found in the formatters folder of the source code.
A note on the data #
The data generated by this tool is biased towards UK and US data sets. The names, towns, streets and postcodes are gleaned from western data sets. If you need data that resembles a different geography or contains more challenging character sets, then the feel free to fork the code and modify the stock data from the plugins folder.
Note that generating an address with {{street}},{{city}},{{state}},{{statecode}}{{zip}} will generate that appears at a glance to be a reasonble address, but is patently nonsense:
$ dartamaker "{{street}},{{city}},{{state}},{{statecode}}{{zip}}"
6682 Crowcroft Circle,Nashua,New York,UT00769
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The plugins do not coordinate with each other to ensure that the street exists in the city, or that the city exists in the state, or that the state code matches the state. That would require a more sophisticated and much larger data set!
Also note that the email addresses, zip codes, domain names, telephone numbers, websites and postcodes are fabricated. Airports, towns, states, state codes, cities, counties, countries and currencies are real.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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