
Creator: coderz1093

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darty json safe

一款仿照 SwiftyJSON 的 Dart 数据解析库(An imitation of swiftyjsonDart data parsing library)
为什么要开发这个库?(Why develop this library?) #
因为有一些场景直接通过 JSONObject 取值更加方便。(Because it is more convenient to get values directly through jsonobject in some scenarios.)
比如下面的一串JSON字符串(For example, the following string of JSON strings)
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如果按照系统自带的获取对应的值(If the corresponding value is obtained according to the system's own)
int? a = jsonObject['a'] as int?;
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此时如果返回的数据变更如下(At this time, if the returned data is changed as follows)

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之前的代码就会报错(The previous code will report an error)
还有很多情况,系统的 JSONObject 是做不到的。我们看一下通过这个库可以干什么吧。(In many other cases, the jsonobject of the system cannot be done. Let's see what we can do through this library.)
直接从数组获取 Double 值(Get the double value directly from the array) #
final value = JSON([1])[0].doubleValue

/// 此时 value 是 1(At this point, value is 1)
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从一组对象获取名字组成数组(Get names from a set of objects to form an array) #
final jsonText = '''
final json = JSON(jsonText);
final names =
json.listValue.map((e) => JSON(e)['name'].stringValue).toList();
/// 此时 names 是 ['Google', 'Baidu', 'SoSo'](At this time, the names are ['Google', 'Baidu', 'soso'])
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从字典获取对应的值(Get the corresponding value from the dictionary) #
final jsonText = '''
final name = JSON(jsonText)['name'].stringValue;
/// 此时 name 值 Google(At this time, the name value is Google)
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根据路径获取对应的值(Get the corresponding value according to the path) #
final jsonText = '''
final keyPaths = [0, 'list', 0, 'name'];
final name = JSON(jsonText)[keyPaths].stringValue;
final name1 = JSON(jsonText)[0]['list'][0]['name'].stringValue
/// 此时 name 和 name1 的值都是 king(At this time, the values of name and name1 are king)
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类型转换(Type conversion) #
JSON(1).stringValue; /// '1'
JSON(1.1).stringValue; /// '1.1'
JSON(true).intValue; /// 1
JSON('1').stringValue; /// '1'
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超出边界取值(Value beyond boundary) #
final JSON json = JSON('[1,2,3]');
json[3].int; /// null
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循环打印数组元素(Loop print array elements) #
final JSON json = JSON('[1,2,3]');
json.forEachList((index, e) {
if (index == 0) {
e.int; /// 1
} else if (index == 1) {
e.int; /// 2
} else if (index == 2) {
e.int; /// 3
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循环打印字典(Circular printing dictionary) #
final JSON json = JSON('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}');
json.forEachMap((key, e) {
if (key == 'a') {
e.int; /// 1
} else if (key == 'b') {
e.int; /// 2
} else if (key == 'c') {
e.int; /// 3
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字典值不存在(Dictionary value does not exist) #
final JSON json = JSON('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}');
json['d'].int; /// null
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设置字典的值(Sets the value of the dictionary) #
final JSON json = JSON('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}');
json['d'] = JSON(4);
json['d'].int; /// 4

json['d'] = JSON('5');
json['d'].int; /// '5'

json['d'] = 5;
json['d'].int; /// 5
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获取对应的Key的值是否存在(Get whether the value of the corresponding key exists) #
final JSON json = JSON('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}');
json['a'].exists(); /// true
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设置数组值超出边界(Set array value out of bounds) #
final JSON json = JSON('[1,2,3]');
json[0] = 100;
json[1] = 200;
json[2] = 300;
json[99999] = 400;
json; /// [100,200,300]
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设置Key不在字典存在(The setting key does not exist in the dictionary) #
final JSON json = JSON('{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}');
json['d'] = 100;
json; /// {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 100}
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通过路径更新值(Update value by path) #
final jsonText = '''
final json = JSON(jsonText);
json['list'][0]['user']['name'] = 'new value';
json; /// {"list":[{"user":{"name":"new value"}}]}
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直接通过Key数组更新值(Update the value directly through the key array) #
final jsonText = '''
final json = JSON(jsonText);
json[['list', 0, 'user', 'name']] = 'new value';
json; /// {"list":[{"user":{"name":"new value"}}]}
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