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date utilities

Date utilities #
A Null-Safety republish of Date Util by author: Adetu Ridwan, Egbesola Anthony
A simple dart API with a complete set of date helper methods not available in the DateTime API hence,production is made easier when working with dates.
features #
The class dateUtil contains the following method: #


The yearLength method:
The yearLength method has a single parameter of type integer and it calculates the number of days from the beginning of calendar to the entered year
yearLength(int year);
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The day method:
The day method has a single parameter of type integer and it returns the string equivalent of given date day
day(int length);
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The month method:
The month method has a single parameter of type integer and it returns the string equivalent of given month number
month(int monthNum);
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The daysInMonth method:
The daysInMonth method has two parameters of type # # # #integer and it returns the total number of days in a month
daysInMonth(int monthNum, int year);
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The daysPastInYear method:
This method has three parameters of type integer and it returns the total number of days past in a given year
daysPastInYear(int monthNum, int dayNum, int year);
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The totalLengthOfDays method:
This method has three parameters of type integer and it returns the total number of days past since the beginning of the calendar year 0001
totalLengthOfDays(int monthNum, int dayNum, int year);
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The printMonthCalendar method;
This method has two parameter of type integer and it prints the calendar of the given month in the given year.
printMonthCalendar(int monthNum, int year);
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The getWeek method:
This method has three parameters of type integer and returns the weeks past in the year.
getWeek(int monthNum, int dayNum, int year);
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The leapYear method:
This method has a single parameter of type integer also and returns a boolean value if the given year is a leap year
leapYear(int year);
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Usage #
Simply create an instance of the class dateUtil.dart in your main() block
final dateUtility = DateUtil();
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Import the 'dart: io' api and request for user input on month number, day number and year.
//Prompting for user input of the month number
stdout.writeln('Enter month number');
final monthNumber = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
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Enter Month Number

//Prompting for user input of the day number
stdout.writeln('Enter day number');
final dayNumber = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
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Enter day number

//Prompting for user input of the year
stdout.writeln('Enter year ');
final year = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
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Enter year

Note: When using the standard input stream, the returned data type is a String hence the parsing of the returned data to the required data type.
Create a variable name of type integer to store the total number of days past since the beginning of the calendar year 0001
//store the total number of days past since the beginning of the calendar year 0001
final length = dateUtility.totalLengthOfDays(monthNumber, dayNumber, year);
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The above line of code returns the total number of days past in a year plus the number of days from the beginning of calendar to the entered year
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Create a variable name of type String to store the result of the entered date day which calls the day() method for getting the string equivalent of the entered date day and thereby passing the variable name of step 3
//store the string equivalent of entered date day
String resultDay =;
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Create a variable name to store the string equivalent of the given Month number
//store the string equivalent of entered month number
String monthName = dateUtility.month(monthNumber);
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Printing the result.
//Printing the details
stdout.writeln('The Day $resultDay, the Month is $monthName and the year is $year');
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The Day Wednesday, the Month is November and the year is 1975

Using the days past in a year method:
Create a variable name to store the returned value of the day(s) past in a year method.
//calculating total number of days past in a given year
int daysPast = dateUtility.daysPastInYear(monthNumber, dayNumber, year);
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Printing the details
//Printing out the result for days past in a given year
stdout.writeln('Days past in the year is: $daysPast day(s)');
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Days past in the year is: 316 day(s)

Using the weeks past in a year
Create a variable name to store the returned value of the week(s) past in a year method.
//calculating the week past in the entered date in the year
int weeks = dateUtility.getWeek(monthNumber, dayNumber, year);
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Printing the details
//Printing the number of weeks past in a given year
stdout.writeln('Week(s): $weeks week(s)');
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Week(s): 46 week(s)

Using the print month calendar:
//Printing the calendar for the month in a given year
dateUtility.printMonthCalendar(monthNumber, year);
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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

using the leap year method to check if a year is a leap year
//Checking if a year is a leap year
stdout.writeln('Is $year a leap year? \n Answer: ${dateUtility.leapYear(year)}');
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Is 1975 a leap year?
Answer: false


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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