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Dated #
dated is a Dart package that provides useful extensions for working with DateTime objects. It includes extensions for comparing dates, checking if dates are the same day, month, or year, and calculating the time ago from a given date.
Installation #
Add the dated package to your pubspec.yaml file:
dart pub add dated
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Usage #
Import the dated package in your Dart file:
import 'package:dated/dated.dart';
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DatedBaseBoolExtension #
The DatedBaseBoolExtension provides methods to compare DateTime objects.
final today = DateTime.now();
final yesterday = today.subtract(const Duration(days: 1));
final nextMonth = today.add(const Duration(days: 30));
print(today.isSameDay(yesterday)); // false
print(today.isSameMonth(nextMonth)); // false
print(today.isSameYear(nextMonth)); // true
print(yesterday.isBeforeDay(today)); // true
print(today.isBeforeMonth(nextMonth)); // true
print(nextMonth.isAfterYear(today)); // false
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DatedBaseTimeAgoExtension #
The DatedBaseTimeAgoExtension provides a method to calculate the time ago from a given DateTime object.
final twoHoursAgo = DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(hours: 2));
final threeDaysAgo = DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(days: 3));
final sixMonthsAgo = DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(days: 180));
print(twoHoursAgo.timeAgo()); // 2 hours ago
print(threeDaysAgo.timeAgo()); // 3 days ago
print(sixMonthsAgo.timeAgo()); // 6 months ago
print(threeDaysAgo.timeAgo(prefix: 'Posted')); // Posted 3 days ago
print(sixMonthsAgo.timeAgo(suffix: 'earlier')); // 6 months earlier
print(twoHoursAgo.timeAgo(prefix: 'Created', suffix: 'ago')); // Created 2 hours ago
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API Reference #
DatedBaseBoolExtension #
isSameDay(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime objects represent the same day, false otherwise.
isSameMonth(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime objects represent the same month, false otherwise.
isSameYear(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime objects represent the same year, false otherwise.
isBeforeDay(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is before the given other date and not on the same day, false otherwise.
isBeforeMonth(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is before the given other date and not in the same month, false otherwise.
isBeforeYear(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is before the given other date and not in the same year, false otherwise.
isAfterDay(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is after the given other date and not on the same day, false otherwise.
isAfterMonth(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is after the given other date and not in the same month, false otherwise.
isAfterYear(DateTime other): Returns true if the DateTime object is after the given other date and not in the same year, false otherwise.
DatedBaseTimeAgoExtension #
timeAgo({DateTime? compare, String? prefix, String? suffix}): Returns a string representing the time ago from the DateTime object. Optionally, you can provide a compare DateTime to compare against, a prefix string to prepend to the output, and a suffix string to append to the output.
Contributing #
Contributions to the dated package are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.
License #
This package is licensed under the MIT License.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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