
Creator: coderz1093

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Ready for a large number of data. Building cells on demand.
Focused on Web/Desktop Applications.
Bidirectional scroll bars.
Highly customized.
Pinned columns.
Multiple sort.
Infinite scroll.

Usage #

Get started


Columns fit
Stretchable column
Column style
Pinned column


Row color
Row cursor
Row callbacks
Row hover listener
Infinite scroll


Cell style
Custom cell widget
Cell edit


Multiple sort
Sort callback
Server-side sorting
Always sorted


Dividers thickness and color

Hidden header


Row color
Row zebra color
Row hover background
Row hover foreground
Row fill height


Scrollbar always visible


Null value color

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Get started #
DaviModel<Person>? _model;

void initState() {

_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: [
Person('Landon', 19),
Person('Sari', 22),
Person('Julian', 37),
Person('Carey', 39),
Person('Cadu', 43),
Person('Delmar', 72)
], columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi<Person>(_model);
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Model #
Column #
Columns fit
All columns will fit in the available width.
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', grow: 2, stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', grow: 1, intValue: (row) => row.age)
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Davi<Person>(_model, columnWidthBehavior: ColumnWidthBehavior.fit);
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Stretchable column
The remaining width will be distributed to the columns according to the value of the grow attribute.
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', grow: 1, stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
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copied to clipboard

Column style
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
name: 'Age',
intValue: (row) => row.age,
headerTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue[900]!),
headerAlignment: Alignment.center,
cellAlignment: Alignment.center,
cellTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue[700]!),
cellBackground: (data) => Colors.blue[50])
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Pinned column
_model = DaviModel(rows: persons, columns: [
pinStatus: PinStatus.left,
width: 30,
cellBuilder: (BuildContext context, DaviRow<Person> row) {
return InkWell(
child: const Icon(Icons.edit, size: 16),
onTap: () => _onEdit(row.data));
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
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Row #
Row color
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
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Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi<Person>(_model, rowColor: _rowColor);

Color? _rowColor(DaviRow<Person> row) {
if (row.data.age < 20) {
return Colors.green[50]!;
} else if (row.data.age > 30 && row.data.age < 50) {
return Colors.orange[50]!;
return null;
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Row cursor
data: const DaviThemeData(
row: RowThemeData(cursorOnTapGesturesOnly: false)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model,
rowCursor: (row) =>
row.data.age < 20 ? SystemMouseCursors.forbidden : null));
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Row callbacks
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi<Person>(_model,
onRowTap: (person) => _onRowTap(context, person),
onRowSecondaryTap: (person) => _onRowSecondaryTap(context, person),
onRowSecondaryTapUp: (person, detail) => _onRowSecondaryTapUp(context, person, detail),
onRowDoubleTap: (person) => _onRowDoubleTap(context, person));

void _onRowTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {

void _onRowSecondaryTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {

void _onRowSecondaryTapUp(BuildContext context, Person person, TapUpDetail detail) {

void _onRowDoubleTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {
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Row hover listener
Davi<Person>(_model, onHover: _onHover);

void _onHover(int? rowIndex) {
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Infinite scroll
DaviModel<Value>? _model;
bool _loading = false;

void initState() {
List<Value> rows = List.generate(30, (index) => Value(index));
_model = DaviModel<Value>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Index', intValue: (row) => row.index),
DaviColumn(name: 'Random 1', stringValue: (row) => row.random1),
DaviColumn(name: 'Random 2', stringValue: (row) => row.random2)

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi<Value>(_model,
lastRowWidget: const LoadingWidget(),
onLastRowWidget: _onLastRowWidget);

void _onLastRowWidget(bool visible) {
if (visible && !_loading) {
setState(() {
_loading = true;
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {
setState(() {
_loading = false;
List<Value> newValues =
List.generate(15, (index) => Value(_model!.rowsLength + index));
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Cell #
Cell style
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
name: 'Age',
intValue: (row) => row.age,
cellStyleBuilder: (row) => row.data.age >= 30 && row.data.age < 40
? CellStyle(
background: Colors.blue[800],
alignment: Alignment.center,
textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white))
: null)
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Custom cell widget
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
name: 'Rate',
width: 150,
cellBuilder: (context, row) => StarsWidget(stars: row.data.stars))
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Cell edit
class Person {
Person(this.name, this.value);

final String name;
final int value;

bool _valid = true;

bool get valid => _valid;

String _editable = '';

String get editable => _editable;

set editable(String value) {
_editable = value;
_valid = _editable.length < 6;

class MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget> {
DaviModel<Person>? _model;

void initState() {
List<Person> rows = [
Person('Landon', 1),
Person('Sari', 0),
Person('Julian', 2),
Person('Carey', 4),
Person('Cadu', 5),
Person('Delmar', 2)
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Value', intValue: (row) => row.value),
name: 'Editable',
cellBuilder: _buildField,
cellBackground: (row) => row.data.valid ? null : Colors.red[800])

Widget _buildField(BuildContext context, DaviRow<Person> row) {
return TextFormField(
initialValue: row.data.editable,
style: TextStyle(color: row.data.valid ? Colors.black : Colors.white),
onChanged: (value) => _onFieldChange(value, row.data));

void _onFieldChange(String value, Person person) {
final wasValid = person.valid;
person.editable = value;
if (wasValid != person.valid) {
setState(() {
// rebuild

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi<Person>(_model);
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Sort #
Multiple sort
rows: rows,
columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age),
name: 'Weight', width: 120, doubleValue: (row) => row.weight)
multiSortEnabled: true);
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Sort callback
_model = DaviModel<Person>(
rows: rows,
columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
onSort: _onSort);
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void _onSort(List<DaviColumn<Person>> sortedColumns) {
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Server-side sorting
Ignoring sorting functions from the model.
Simulating the server-side sorting when loading data.
class Person {
Person(this.name, this.age);

final String name;
final int age;

enum ColumnId { name, age }

class MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget> {
late DaviModel<Person> _model;
bool _loading = true;

void initState() {
_model = DaviModel<Person>(columns: [
id: ColumnId.name, name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(id: ColumnId.age, name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
], onSort: _onSort, ignoreDataComparators: true);

void loadData([DaviSort? sort]) {
Future<List<Person>>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
List<Person> rows = [
Person('Linda', 33),
Person('Pamela', 22),
Person('Steven', 21),
Person('James', 37),
Person('Amanda', 43),
Person('Cadu', 35)
if (sort != null) {
final DaviSortDirection direction = sort.direction;
rows.sort((a, b) {
switch (sort.columnId) {
case ColumnId.name:
return direction == DaviSortDirection.ascending
? a.name.compareTo(b.name)
: b.name.compareTo(a.name);
case ColumnId.age:
return direction == DaviSortDirection.ascending
? a.age.compareTo(b.age)
: b.age.compareTo(a.age);
return 0;
return rows;
}).then((list) {
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
_loading = false;

void _onSort(List<DaviColumn<Person>> sortedColumns) {
setState(() {
_loading = true;
loadData(sortedColumns.isNotEmpty ? sortedColumns.first.sort : null);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Davi(_model,
tapToSortEnabled: !_loading,
_loading ? const Center(child: Text('Loading...')) : null);
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Always sorted
Some sortable column will always be sorted.
_model = DaviModel<Person>(
rows: rows,
columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age),
name: 'Weight', width: 120, doubleValue: (row) => row.weight)
alwaysSorted: true);
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Theme #
Dividers thickness and color #
data: const DaviThemeData(
columnDividerThickness: 4,
columnDividerColor: Colors.blue,
header: HeaderThemeData(columnDividerColor: Colors.purple),
row: RowThemeData(dividerThickness: 4, dividerColor: Colors.green),
TableScrollbarThemeData(columnDividerColor: Colors.orange)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Header #
data: DaviThemeData(
header: HeaderThemeData(
color: Colors.green[50],
bottomBorderHeight: 4,
bottomBorderColor: Colors.blue),
headerCell: HeaderCellThemeData(
height: 40,
alignment: Alignment.center,
textStyle: const TextStyle(
fontStyle: FontStyle.italic,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: Colors.blue),
resizeAreaWidth: 10,
resizeAreaHoverColor: Colors.blue.withOpacity(.5),
sortIconColors: SortIconColors.all(Colors.green),
expandableName: false)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Hidden header
data: const DaviThemeData(header: HeaderThemeData(visible: false)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Row #
Theme Row color
data: DaviThemeData(
row: RowThemeData(color: (rowIndex) => Colors.green[50])),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Row zebra color
DaviThemeData(row: RowThemeData(color: RowThemeData.zebraColor())),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Row hover background
data: DaviThemeData(
row: RowThemeData(hoverBackground: (rowIndex) => Colors.blue[50])),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Row hover foreground
data: DaviThemeData(
row: RowThemeData(
hoverForeground: (rowIndex) => Colors.blue.withOpacity(.2))),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Row fill height
data: DaviThemeData(
row: RowThemeData(
fillHeight: true, color: RowThemeData.zebraColor())),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Scrollbar #
data: const DaviThemeData(
scrollbar: TableScrollbarThemeData(
thickness: 16,
thumbColor: Colors.black,
pinnedHorizontalColor: Colors.yellow,
unpinnedHorizontalColor: Colors.green,
verticalColor: Colors.blue,
borderThickness: 8,
pinnedHorizontalBorderColor: Colors.orange,
unpinnedHorizontalBorderColor: Colors.purple,
verticalBorderColor: Colors.pink)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Scrollbar always visible
data: const DaviThemeData(
scrollbar: TableScrollbarThemeData(
horizontalOnlyWhenNeeded: false,
verticalOnlyWhenNeeded: false)),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Cell #
Null value color
_model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: [
Person('Landon', '+321 321-432-543'),
Person('Sari', '+123 456-789-012'),
Person('Julian', null),
Person('Carey', '+111 222-333-444'),
Person('Cadu', null),
Person('Delmar', '+22 222-222-222')
], columns: [
DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
DaviColumn(name: 'Mobile', width: 150, stringValue: (row) => row.mobile)
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data: DaviThemeData(
cell: CellThemeData(
nullValueColor: ((rowIndex, hovered) => Colors.grey[300]))),
child: Davi<Person>(_model));
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Collapsed rows
Header grouping
Row selection
Column reorder
Cell merge
Pinned column on right
And everything else, the sky is the limit

Support this project #
Bitcoin #
Ethereum (ERC-20) or Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) #
Solana #
Helium #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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