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dbcgptcli 0.17.0
How do I run it?
A user should only have to run gptcli chat or gptcli se in their preferred terminal.
For more info on usage, check the builtin help docs using gptcli [chat|se] [-h|--help]
Cloning the repo:
Open your preferred terminal.
Clone the project to your local machine using: git clone <https_link|ssh_link>
Change your current working directory to the project root.
Execute the following command: make install
Run gptcli
Running the Docker image via a Docker container:
Open your preferred terminal.
Enter switch to the root user.
Start docker: systemctl start docker
Pull the docker image: docker pull deathbychocolate/gptcli:latest
Enter the image: docker exec -it <container_name> bash
How do I run the tests?
Follow the How do I run it? above and then choose:
Run the tests: make test
Run the tests and generate a coverage report: make coverage
How does it work?
The project uses the OpenAI API to query text using client sent messages sent over HTTP POST requests. There are 2 modes to consider, Chat and Single-Exchange:
Chat mode allows the user to have a conversation that is similar to ChatGPT by creating a MESSAGE-REPLY thread. This mode will show you output similar to the following:
username@hostname ~/> gptcli chat
>>> [MESSAGE]: hi
>>> [REPLY, model=gpt-3.5-turbo]: Hello! How can I assist you today?
>>> [MESSAGE]: exit
username@hostname ~/>
Single-Exchange is functionally similar to Chat, but it only allows a single exchange of messages to happen (1 sent from client-side, 1 from server-side) and then exit. This encourages loading all the context and instructions in one message. It is also more suitable for automation. This mode will show you output similar to the following:
username@hostname ~/> gptcli se "hello"
Hello! How can I assist you today?
username@hostname ~/>
How do I get an API key?
You need valid OpenAI credentials to communicate with the AI models. To do this:
Create an openai account here:
Generate an openai API key here:
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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