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debabocho 0.5.3
Slice up PDFs like a pro:
% bocho my-fancy-file.pdf --pages 1 3 5 6 10 --angle 30 --zoom 1.6
Takes a PDF file and creates a “stacked page” preview from a selection of pages.
It accepts a bunch of options for customising the output (pass the -h flag for details).
Requires ImageMagick so you might need to, e.g:
% sudo apt-get install imagemagick
If you want to use Wand instead of calling convert directly, you’ll also need to perform some some additional steps, e.g:
% sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
% pip install wand
See their installation instructions for more details.
On OS X, you’ll want to use Homebrew to get the low-level dependencies in place:
% brew install ghostscript imagemagick
Once all that’s sorted, you just need to pip install deba-bocho.
PyPy: Oh My!
For simple operations, there’s not much difference in performance between CPython and PyPy.
If you want to use the shadow effect, it’s a different matter.
Cue unscientific benchmarking run on my laptop…
Python 2.7:
% time bocho /tmp/report.pdf --preset example --shadow
bocho /tmp/report.pdf --preset example --shadow 35.89s user 0.15s system 99% cpu 36.132 total
% time bocho /tmp/report.pdf --preset example --shadow
bocho /tmp/report.pdf --preset example --shadow 4.10s user 0.18s system 99% cpu 4.297 total
Making PyPy about 10x as fast as Python 2.7.
The same process without --shadow takes around 2.5 seconds with both implementations.
For information on usage, run bocho --help. If you want to use it as a module:
>>> import bocho
>>> help(bocho.assemble)
If you will be using the same options many times, it’s probably worth creating a preset in a config.ini file (see config.example.ini or the example below to get started).
By default, bocho will check for $HOME/.config/bocho/config.ini, so it’s probably best to keep your config there, but you can pass the --config option with the path to an alternative location.
pages = 1,3,5,7,9
width = 630
height = 290
border = 4
reuse = true
delete = true
verbose = true
use_convert = true
parallel = 5
You can tell bocho to use this preset by calling:
bocho /path/to/file.pdf --preset example [--config /path/to/config.ini]
implement rotation properly ✓
allow a “zoom” option ✓
optional drop-shadows ✓
make shadows smarter in their orientation (they’re currently uniform, not respecting the angle / transformations)
make the basic edge separators optional ✓
automatic spacing as an option as well as fixed pixel spacing
horizontal and vertical spacing ✓
horizontal and vertical offsets ✓
optional right-to-left stacking ✓
handle non-A4 aspect ratio input documents ✓
optionally apply transforms:
affine ✗ (abandoned in favour of vertical / horizontal shear effects)
shear ✓ (applied by creating simplified affine transforms)
stretch (can be achieved in a similar fashion to shear)
ensure sliced PNGs are large enough when custom width / height are specified
fix x and y spacing calculation to account for any applied rotation & transformation
allow transforms to be configurable (probably with presets defined in an .ini file)
drop the PyPDF dependency ✓
use an ImageMagick binding rather than using subprocess to call convert ✓ (Wand)
optionally re-use pages between runs ✓
allow user-specified resolution for the PDF to PNG conversion ✓
docs ✓
pretty pictures illustrating the effect of the various options
use proper logging
See LICENSE.txt.
Test images are from the USC-SIPI Image Database (
The test PDF is “Distributed Space-Time Interference Alignment” (arXiv:1405.0032).
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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