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deep collection
DeepCollection #
Extends List, Set and Map in order to add commonly used recursive methods such as searching, sorting, reversing, finding intersections or differences.
Supported operations #
List #
Deeply sort (by values)
Deeply reverse
Set #
Deeply sort (by values)
Deeply reverse
Map #
Deeply search (by keys and values) - does not accept nested [List] or [Set]
Deeply sort (by keys or values)
Deeply reverse
Deeply find intersections (by keys and values) - does not accept nested [List] or [Set]
Deeply find differences (by keys and values) - does not accept nested [List] or [Set]
Implementation #
Visit pub.dev -> install and pub.dev -> example.
Commercial Use #
If you use this code in commercial project, please donate me via GitHub Sponsors. I do the same for packages which I use, because it ensures stable development for all of us!
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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