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developer app list
Developer App List #
A Flutter package to fetch a list of apps developed by a given developer from both the App Store and
Play Store.
Features #
Retrieve a list of Android apps developed by a specific developer.
Retrieve a list of iOS apps developed by a specific developer.
Installation #
To use this package, add developer_app_list as
a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
developer_app_list: ^0.0.1
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Usage #
import 'package:developer_app_list/developer_app_list.dart';
void main() async {
// Example usage to fetch Android apps
List<App> androidApps = await DeveloperAppList.getAndroidApps(developerId: 'developer_id');
// Example usage to fetch iOS apps
List<App> iosApps = await DeveloperAppList.getIosApps(developerId: 'developer_id');
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Replace 'developer_id' with the actual developer ID whose apps you want to fetch.
The App class represents an application and contains the following properties:
id: Unique identifier of the app.
name: Name of the app.
category: Category of the app.
developerName: Name of the developer who created the app.
rating: Rating of the app.
imageUrl: URL of the app's image.
url: URL of the app.
Feedback and Contributions #
This is the first version of the app, and I am actively working on adding new features and
improvements. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or queries, feel free to reach out. Happy
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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