
Creator: coderz1093

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diff image2

diff_image #
A Dart Package to get the % difference between two images of the same width and height.
diff_image2 is a Dart version of this with changes on visualization and , you guessed it, the language.
Example #
A simple usage example:
import 'package:diff_image2/diff_image.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart';

final FIRST_IMAGE = 'https://seeklogo.com/images/F/flutter-logo-5086DD11C5-seeklogo.com.png';
final SECOND_IMAGE = 'https://seeklogo.com/images/A/android-western-logo-8F117A7F00-seeklogo.com.png';

void foo() async {
try {
var diff = await DiffImage.compareFromUrl(
print('The difference between images is: ${diff.value} %');
} catch(e) {

void goo(Image first, Image second) {
try {
var diff = DiffImage.compareFromMemory(
print('The difference between images is: ${diff.diffValue} %');
} catch(e) {

main() {
/*These can be obtained with any method*/
Image first;
Image second;
// Here is posible to manipulate both images before passing them
// to the function.
goo(first, second);
copied to clipboard
A more detailed example can be found here
Features #

Currently there is support for comparing images fetched from urls and from memory or storage.
The compareFromUrl definition is:

static Future<DiffImgResult> compareFromUrl(
dynamic firstImageSrc,
dynamic secondImageSrc, {
bool asPercentage = true,
bool ignoreAlpha = true,
}) async{...}
copied to clipboard

And the compareFromMemory definition is:

static DiffImgResult compareFromMemory(
Image firstImage,
Image secondImage, {
bool asPercentage = true,
bool ignoreAlpha = true,
}) {...}
copied to clipboard

And the compareFromFile definition is:

static Future<DiffImgResult> compareFromFile(
File firstImage,
File secondImage, {
bool asPercentage = true,
bool ignoreAlpha = true,
}) {...}
copied to clipboard

ignoreAlpha allows to decide whether to take alpha from RGBA into account for the calculation
asPercentage set the format of the output (as percentage or between 0-1)

Both methods return an DiffImgResult, a model which contains two elements: An image showing the differences between both images and the numeric value representing the difference (as percentage or not).

A function called saveImage which saves a png showing the differences between firstImage and secondImage (currently not available on Dart Web).

static Future<File> saveImage({
required Image image,
required String name,
String directory = '',
}) {...}
copied to clipboard
Sample Results #
First Image #

Second Image #

Difference Percentage #
With Alpha : 35.67169421487167 %
Without Alpha : 34.83905183744361 %
Difference Image #

Suggestions and bugs #
Please file feature requests, suggestions and bugs at the issue tracker.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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