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difiovirtualenvpython 3.1.1
Difio registration agent for stand-alone Python virtualenv
It compiles a list of locally installed Python packages and sends it to
Installing inside your virtualenv
Create an account at
Activate your virtualenv
if you’re using virtualenvwrapper then simply:
workon myapp
if you’re not using virtualenvwrapper then something like this will work:
cd ~/.virtualenvs/myapp/
source bin/activate
Install this package
pip install difio-virtualenv-python
Create a script which will contain your configuration values and register the application with Difio when executed. It should look something like this:
export DIFIO_USER_ID=YourUserID
You can find your Difio userID at
Replace APP-UUID with a unique value, for example generated by the uuidgen program!
Make this script executable
chmod a+x $VIRTUAL_ENV/path/to/registration_script
If you wish, you can configure $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate hook to call the registration script every time when the virtualenv is activated
echo "\$VIRTUAL_ENV/path/to/registration_script" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
chmod a+x $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
Execute the registration script to register the application.
NOTE: You will have to do this every time when you install/remove or upgrade packages in the virtualenv.
Optionally you can configure a cron job to do this automatically.
If everything goes well you should see something like:
Difio: Success, registered/updated application with uuid 7a99f652-977a-477a-b35c-1d8e60478425
That’s it, you can now check your application statistics at
Difio will use the basepath of your virtualenv as the application name. To override use environment variable DIFIO_APP_NAME;
Package virtualenv will also be added to the list of installed packages if you have created your virtualenv with --system-site-packages option. Otherwise use environment variable DIFIO_VIRTUALENV_VERSION to override;
Application type is “python” followed by the interpreter version;
Application URL is the system hostname prepended with http://. To override use environment variable DIFIO_APP_URL including the protocol string.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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