Last updated:
0 purchases 1.0.0
A complete RPC interface for Discord's API.
Original code by qwertyquerty and LewdNeko
This whole thing is a big TODO right now...
Install from pip
Extending BaseClient
If you are looking to extend BaseClient and implement your own behaviour / set of endpoints, please remember to implement the following:
close - a way of tidying up any open files or the event loop
on_event - If you do not want events, this can just pass, but if you do then you must handle them accordingly. The only argument passed is data, a dictionary created from Discord's event structure. You must be subscribed to receive these.
How to Use
Code that is indifferent from pypresence v3.3.1 or earlier remains licensed under the MIT license and retain their copyright to the respective owner. Any changes that have been made are licensed and copyrighted under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" to LBots.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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